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"Have you found anything yet?" John asked for the fifteenth thousand time.

"No be patient!" I shouted at John continuing the search I was doing.

"Sherlock could be here any second. Would you girls hurry up." John shouted back.

"I feel like a ninja." I told Katie rolling on the floor to get to Sherlock's dresser.

"I feel like a spy." Katie answered.

"He's coming in ten minutes!" John shouted at the two us.

"Stop rushing me!" I shouted back.

"If you haven't noticed but we're on a time crunch." John said annoyed.

"Actually I have noticed I just don't work well under pressure. So stop pressuring me!" I shot back.

John just sighed in response. He went over to his girlfriend Jeanette after finishing the phone call with Mycroft. Katie and I started putting everything back where it was before so that Sherlock wouldn't know that we were being ninjas in his room. When Katie and I were done neatening up we walked into the living room to see that John was in a fight with Jeanette. It ended with him saying he was going to call her and she saying no.

"That really wasn't good, was it?" Mrs. Hudson said.

"No it really wasn't." John said sounding upset.

"Don't worry you'll find someone Johnny boy." I said patting him on the back.

"Did you just call me Johnny boy?" John asked turning to me.

"Yep. Now Katie and I must be on our way before Sherlock gets back." I said pulling Katie to our flat.

"Bye." John said.

"Bye." Katie and I responded in sync.

The next day Katie and I were in John and Sherlock's flat. I was throwing a ball up and down while Katie was reading a book. Sherlock was playing his violin while John was sitting in his chair and Mrs. Hudson was picking up their plates. Sherlock hadn't eaten anything and both Katie and I knew the reason why. Sherlock was in love.

"You composing?" John asked.

"Helps me think." Sherlock said as if that explained everything.

"What are you thinking about." Katie questioned not looking up from her book.

"The counter on your blog, John is still stuck at one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five." Sherlock said pointing at John's laptop.

"Yeah it's faulty. Can't seem to fix it." John explained.

"I can fix it!" I volunteered. "All I need is a hammer so I can smash it." I said using my hands to look as if I was smashing something with a hammer.

"There's no need for that Laura." John said stopping me from following through with my brilliant idea.

"Faulty.... Or you've been hacked and it's a message." Sherlock said hopefully

"Hmm?" John hummed in question.

"Just faulty." Sherlock sighed.

"Right." John answered. "Well I'm going out for a bit." John said standing up.

No one responded. John headed to the kitchen where Mrs. Hudson was. He talked to her for a little bit then left. Sherlock left soon after to go on a walk and left Mrs. Hudson, Katie and I alone.

I knew what would happen soon so I decided to be prepared.

"Katie come at me!" I shouted randomly getting her attention.

"Uhhh okay?" Katie said running up to jump on me.

Before she could jump on me I grabbed her hands and twisted them behind her back.

"Ow what was that for?!" Katie shouted at me.

"I'm training to be a ninja." I said winking at her.

Suddenly her faced filled with recognition and her mouth formed an o shape. Soon Katie and I were practicing ninja moves on each other, practicing for what was going to come next.

So I almost didn't update but because I started a schedule for updating every Saturday I updated. I want to thank those who commented and voted on my story. It keeps me updating. So I would like to have some feedback on my story. How do you guys like it? Also please comment and vote. Thanks for reading this story and bearing with me for the long time I didn't update.

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