The Great Game part 2

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After Sherlock figured out the shoes owners was Carl Powers, we immediately found ourselves in a taxi heading to 221B Baker street. While in the taxi Sherlock explained who Carl Powers was to John.

"Nineteen eighty-nine, a young kid -  champion swimmer - came up from Brighton for a school's sports tournament; drowned  in a pool. Tragic accident." Sherlock said  pulling out is phone to show all of us the front page of a newspaper.

"You wouldn't remember it. Why would you?" Sherlock said.

"Um excuse me, I remember it." I said annoyed. I had always wanted to say that. 

"You weren't even alive to remember it." Sherlock remarked.

"You don't know that." I shot back.

"Actually I do." Sherlock argued back.

 "But, you remember it." John said extra loudly stopping the arguement and moving the conversation forward.

"Yes." Sherlock answered.

"Something fishy about it?" John asked trying to get Sherlock to get to the point.

"Nobody thought so - nobody except me. I was only a kid myself. I read about it in the papers." Sherlock said looking at the memory. 

"Started young, didn't you?" John asked.

Sherlock just ignored the question and kept going,"The boy, Carl Powers, had some kind of fit in the water, by the time they got him out it was too late. But there was something wrong; something I couldn't get out of my head." 

"What?" John questioned.

 "His shoes." Sherlock said as if that explained everything. 

"Just get to the point." Katie said earning a glare from Sherlock.

"They weren't there. I made a fuss; I tried to get the police interested, but nobody seemed to think that it was important. He'd left all of his clothes in his locker, but there were no sign of his shoes." Sherlock said while pulling out the shoes and holding them up. "Until now."

Once we got to Baker Street Katie and I decided to go to our apartment and try to figure out how we got here. "Sherlock! Katie and I are going to our flat while you do your thing." I said so that he knew where we were going, not that he cared.  

"You wanted to help. Why are you leaving so soon?" Sherlock said turning his attention to us.

"We need to figure something out." I said truthfully.

"What." Sherlock said trying to get a read on us.

"Stuff." I said not knowing what to do.

"I'm not stupid I saw you glare at the Jim guy from I.T." Sherlock stated. "While your friend here smiled sweetly. You know something that I don't, so you're staying with me so I can keep an eye on you." 

"Nah. Your just being paranoid Sherlock. Katie and I are just going to take a rest from this case." I said about to bolt

Before I could run Sherlock grabbed my arm and  handcuffed it to his arm.

"Oh come on is this really necessary." I said keeping down the happiness in my voice. I was attached to Sherlock Holmes. 

"Yes" Sherlock said pulling me into his flat with Katie following close by.

While Sherlock was looking for files about Carl Powers I was being pulled around  with him. The rest of the case went pretty much like that. Sherlock figured out that Carl Powers was poisoned and they saved the sobbing lady. Katie and I both knew that a second caller was going to call in the morning.

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