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After Sherlock finally put some clothes on Katie and I were kicked out of the room while they discussed the case because apparently it was inappropriate for kids our age. I mean  how old do they think we are? I watched this scene on my own tv and wasn't scarred for life. Well of course since Mycroft was the boss we had to listen to him. Good thing we already knew what the case was about otherwise we probably would have gotten in trouble for eavesdropping. To pass time Katie and I started quietly humming "Thanks For The Memories" by Fall Out Boy. 

Finally, after awhile they came out and we abruptly stopped singing.

"Finally that took you long enough." Katie said hopping up off the floor.

"Agreed." I said following her lead.

"Can we go now? I'm tired and hungry and bored." Katie complained.

"Actually, can you girls stay here I need to talk to you for a second. Sherlock you can go, I can bring these girls back to their flat." Mycroft stated give Sherlock the go signal.

Sherlock examined Mycroft for a little before nodding his head in approval and walking out of the building with John by his side. Mycroft then sent Harry on his way and motioned for Katie and I to walk into the room with him. Not wanting to get on Mycroft's bad side we followed his lead and walked into the room. Once in the room we sat down on the couches, Katie sitting next to me while Mycroft was sitting across from us.

"Uhh Mr.Holmes what did you want to talk to us about?" I asked wanting to get this over with.

"Well Ms. Carlson if that is even your real last name, I was looking for files of both of you and I came up empty handed. I would like you to explain to me why exactly." Mycroft said suspicion was evident in his tone.

"Mr. Holmes I can assure you that Katie and I are who we say we are. It might be just the fact that we were born in America and not in Britain." I said quickly coming up with a reasonable explanation to explain to Mycroft.

"What you are saying may be true but I'm keeping my eye on you. If you take one step out of line you're done for." Mycroft said examining us to see if we were lying.

"Yes Mr. Holmes. We won't cause you any trouble." Katie said in response.

"Take this as a warning children. And you may go." Mycroft said dismissing us.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at 221C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Whew that was close." I said collapsing onto the couch in our apartment.... Sorry flat.

"Too close Laura. Honestly I think we need to find a way to get home." Katie said completely catching me off guard.

"But Katie this is Sherlock Holmes's universe! You can't possibly want to leave this." I said getting defensive.

"Yes I know Laura but don't you miss our families. I mean I hate to admit it but I miss my little sister Julia. Don't you miss your brothers?" Katie said her eyes on the brink of tears.

"Yes I do but..."

"No buts Laura we have to figure out a way out of here. I just want to go home!" Katie shouted losing her anger.

"I'm sorry Katie but I love it here. It's different from the same routine I have at home; school, homework, and water polo. It's the same schedule over and over again. This universe keeps me happy and content. I don't understand why you want to leave her so badly Katie. I never want to leave. I want to stay here forever."

So when I first posted this chapter for some reason it deleted most of my work so I had to do it again. The beginning is the same but I added a lot more to it.

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