Split sides

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Every since our little argument Katie and I went our separate ways. She uh kind of sort of kicked me out. Technically she didn't but technically she did. Basically our conversation went like this.

"Laura I was thinking about what we were arguing about last night and"

"And you changed your mind!" I said hopefully while interrupting Katie.

"No, I was just thinking that since you love the Sherlock world so much maybe you could possibly move into Sherlock and John's flat while I stay here in 221C." Katie explained carefully choosing each word.

"So you're kicking me out!" I exclaimed hurt by what she was doing.

"No I'm not kicking you out its just I want to find a way out of here and you don't. And usually when you're around we get pulled into cases and I would rather use my time by finding a way home instead of going on cases." Katie said trying not to anger me. Well it's too late for that.

"Why are you doing this to me Katie I thought we were best friends!" I shouted at her.

"We are its just you're being very uncooperative." Katie said getting agitated.

"Me uncooperative! You're the one that's being uncooperative!" I screamed in anger jabbing a finger in Katie's direction.

"Laura get out!" Katie said clenching her teeth and pointing her finger towards the door.

"Fine! I don't want to see you anytime soon!" I shouted walking toward the door.

"That's fine with me." Katie said crossing her arms. "Oh and don't forget your bags. I already packed for you." Katie said stopping me from going any further.

I stomped back inside the flat and grabbed my stuff then stomped out the door.

"Ti odio! e spero che non vedrò mai ancora!" I shouted one last time before walking out the door.

"Jokes on you I don't know what that means!" I heard Katie shout from behind.

I turned around slamming the door then walked out of the building. I took a seat at a bench thinking about what I was going to do next. I guess I could go stay at John's and Sherlock's but would they let me stay at their place? Well it's worth a try. I walked up to their flat and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard John shout from inside.

I opened the door and walked in.

"What's with the bag full of stuff?" John asked looking at the bag I was holding.

"Well uh Katie and I had a little disagreement and she uh kind of sort of kicked me out. And I was wondering if I could stay with you and Sherlock just for a little bit while I try to fix things with Katie." I asked hoping they would agree.

"No." Sherlock said walking into the living room.

"Sherlock don't be rude! Laura you can stay as long as you like don't listen to Sherlock. We don't have an extra room for you to sleep in but we do have a couch if that's all right." John said saving me from having to sleep outside on the streets.

"Thank you John. I don't know how I'll repay you for your kindness." I said politely while walking over to the couch and placing my stuff on it.

"Anytime." John stated.

While John and I had been talking Sherlock had been examining me.

"I know that you and Katie had an argument but I can't figure out what it was about. What was it about?" Sherlock said speaking his mind. Both him and John looked at me with curious faces.

"Well Katie wants to move back to America and I want to stay here in London." I said telling the half truth.

Sherlock stared at me skeptically before nodding his head in approval signaling me that I had passed the lie test. Apparently I was getting good at lying if Sherlock was even believing them. In fact I might be believing them as well.

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