The Great Game part 1

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Sherlock started examining the shoes when the phone that was in his pocket went off. Sherlock paused for a minute before I said,"Go on answer it. It's probably important."

Sherlock glared at me before answering the phone. "Hello." He said into the phone.

"" a woman sobbing from the other end of the phone said.

"Why's she crying?" Katie asked even though she already knew why.

Sherlock just ignored Katie and spoke into the phone again,"Who is this?"

"I've....sent you....a little puzzle.....just to say hi." The woman answered still sobbing into the phone.

"Who's talking? Why are you crying?" Sherlock asked.

"I just asked that question!" Katie said while earning a glare from Sherlock. "Unbelievable." Katie muttered under her breath.

"Calm down Katie. We're in the middle of a crisis here." I whispered to her. Katie just rolled her eyes.

"I-I'm not....crying....I'm typing.....and this.....stupid....b*** reading it out loud." The lady answered.

"The curtain rises." Sherlock said just barely loud enough for us to hear.

"What?" John asked.

"Oh nothing." Sherlock answers.

"No, what did you mean?" John asked pushing the subject.

"I've been expecting this for some time." Sherlock said halfway turning his head to look at John.

"Creepy." I said. I had always wanted to say that.

"Twelve hours to puzzle, Sherlock......or I'm naughty." Immediately after the woman said that the phone went dead.

Sherlock picked up the shoes and we walked out of our flat and took a cab to St. Bartholomew's Hospital.

Once we got to Shelock's lab he immediately started to study the shoes. Katie and I decided to zone out and talk quietly about what we're going to do when the Fall happens.

"We can't just stay here for two years. How many days has it been in our world? Do our families miss us?" I asked very worried.

"I don't know Laura but we're going to find a way back. Maybe when the show ends we'll be transported back to our world." Katie said trying to calm me.

"But we have to wait more than two years to get out of here. I will be 18 or older by the time we get out of here! And you will be 20!" I said almost to tears.

Our conversation was interrupted when Molly walked into the room and asked how things were going. Behind her came a man that immediately said,"Oh sorry. I didn't"

The man was interrupted when Molly said,"Jim! Hi! Come in! Come in!" Molly gestured him to come in. "Jim, this is Sherlock Holmes." Molly stared at John blankly,"And uh....sorry."

"John Watson. Hi!" John said clearly annoyed how Molly still didn't know him.

"And you two are?" Molly said pointing to Katie and I.

"I'm Laura and this is my best friend Katie." I said while glaring at Jim.

"So, you're Sherlock Holmes. Molly's told me all about you. Are you on one of your cases?" Jim said pretending that he was in love with Sherlock Holmes. Well everyone else didn't know that he was pretending. It was just Katie and I who knew. We knew that because we had watched all the episodes.

"Jim works in I.T upstairs. It's how we met. Office romance." Molly said smiling at Jim.

"Gay." Sherlock said absentmindedly.

"I'm sorry what?" Molly asked her smile immediately faded.

Katie and I tried really hard not to giggle at what Sherlock said.

"Nothing. Um hey." Sherlock said turning around to look at Jim.

"Hey." Jim said smiling admiringly.

Jim "accidentally" knocked over a metal dish and picked it back up, slipping a piece of paper underneath it.

"Well, I'd better be off. I'll meet you at the Fox at about sixish. Bye!" Jim said heading for the door.

"Bye." Molly said softly.

"It was nice to meet you." Jim said before heading out of the room.

"What do you mean gay we're together?" Molly asked once he left.

"And domestic bliss must suit you, Molly. You've put on 3 pounds since the last time I saw you." Sherlock said while Katie and I both smiled.

"2 and a half." Molly said defensively.

"No 3"

"Sherlock." John warned him.

"He's not gay. Why do you have to spoil it? He's not." Molly said getting angry.

"With that level of personnel grooming." Sherlock said proving her wrong.

"Just because he puts a bit of product in his hair. I put product in my hair." John said supporting Molly.

"You wash your hair. There's a difference. No-no tinted eyelashes; clear signs of taurine cream around the frown lines; those tired clubbers eyes. Then there's his underwear."

"His underwear?" Molly said getting angrier and angrier.

"Visible above the waist line-very visible; very particular brand."

"Plus he left his number under the metal dish." I added walking over to the dish and picking up the number.

"I say it's better to break it off now and save yourself the pain." Sherlock said.

Molly stormed out of the room and Katie and I zoned out again, continuing our conversation.

"Our conversation stopped when we realized Sherlock had figured out who owned the shoes.

"Carl Powers." Sherlock said.

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