Shattered Glass

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I stood across the ring from Pin. My braid was slowly coming undone but this boy would take advantage of my distraction if I went to braid it again. I was waiting for him to lash out first. For him to give me a clue as to where to strike, I'd been training for only a few hours but I felt as if I had been doing this for years. Which is impossible because I just came from my bedroom in the real world.

"Just surrender already," Pin taunted.

I ignored him. I closed my eyes. I steadied my breathing. Then I heard it.

Pin's weight shifted and he was sprinting toward me. I lifted my staff and slammed him in the gut. He toppled over. I quickly drew my bow and arrow and pointed it directly at Pin's chest.

"Just surrender already," I threw his very line back at him.

He just scowled and I backed off. Master Glenn clapped and began walking down to congratulate me or so I thought.

Before I could put two and two together, he was sprinting at me and throwing strike after strike with his weapon of choice, an axe in the form of a trumpet. I springed to grab the staff I had been using only a moment ago. I blocked his strike but only barely for being sixty-five he sure was agile. I shifted my weight and moved out of the way as Master Glenn tumbled forward. I drew my bow and arrow, and pointed it at Master Glenn's leg.

"I have you."

"Check yourself."

I looked down and saw a red dot over my heart. I forgot this universe has blasters.

"It's a tie then."

"Indeed. I think, however, I have taught you all that you need to know. Pin will see you off. Good luck in your journeys."

I nodded in gratitude and allowed Pin to lead me to the door.

"Can I keep these clothes?" I asked.

"Yes," he laughed, "what else are you supposed to fight in?"

I shrugged my shoulders and walked out the door. I could sense Master Glenn standing beside Pin. I could sense Pin asking Master Glenn a question about me. And I could hear MAster Glenn's response.

"She doesn't."

A few minutes later, I reached Ahehp's bunker. I don't know how to describe what I saw. Everything was in complete disarray and Ahehp had a cut on her head.

I kneeled down beside her.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. They just took something I need, but not to worry I will kick all their butts to get it back. On a more important note, I need to make sure I can trust you."

"Yes, completely understandable."

"These people," she gestured to the people who she had been able to knock unconscious, who I only now noticed somehow, "don't have this creature in their mind that I call a nelosinet. I was wondering if I was the only one or if these people are just boneheads."

"How are you going to be able to tell?"

"We are going into your mind."

"And you're sure it won't have any lasting side effects?"

"I know for a fact that there aren't any short term ones."

"Very helpful," I deadpanned. She had been telling me exactly what she saw. Maybe not exactly but she explained the concept of a mindscape and how the creature led her around.

"Are you ready?" Ahehp asked me.

"As I'll ever be," I muttered.

Ahehp grabbed her key and snatched her journal off the table. When I looked at her funky, she shrugged.

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