Daughter of the Emperor

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Traitor. Freak. Anomaly. Monster. That’s all Ahehp was to her father. She was a monster only because she didn’t want to one day rule her father’s land. She was an anomaly because she was different from those around her. She was a freak because she liked to build technology. She was a traitor because she chose technology over family. 

She used a needle to adjust a wire inside of the power core that she would soon put into her latest creation, a seps. This core could power anything. When she was building the prototype of the core, she realized that simple technology wouldn’t be sufficient enough to power what she wanted, so she turned to magic. It was something her father had banned long ago, but now she too was banned from her own kingdom…
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, she thought.

Magic was easy to convince to come to her aid. All she had to do was listen for the silent thing, just like so many of her male ancestors had done before her (she, however, doesn't know this). 

She called upon more magic and carefully rested it on the core. It was quickly pulled into said core and the brilliant blue of the core turned a stormy gray. 

Ahehp smiled. It was ready.

She spun in her chair and pushed each desk as the momentum slowed and soon she reached the seps. It was the first of its kind. Destined to be great. Destined to bring peace to those struggling. Something her father could never give her. 


Do ga cob Brw nionaceho scuh xi, sbhiie uiä pos xi olosepiä. Do oios, sbhiie biä ga pe. Ietoa quw aec eciia giä yti Brw vnen yfnen oänen scuh xi. Frig Brw scuh fbub Brw giä dyw tieo ipli Brw oi, she prayed to her God. 

She carefully connected a blue wire to

the blue port and a black wire to the black port. She watched on a computer screen as the magical energy spiraled into the seps main operator. 

“Hello,” an inhuman male voice said behind her, once the magical energy flow became steady and constant. “How may I assist you?”

“As of right now, you cannot, but I can help you,” she said, trying to keep the excitement in her voice dimmed.

“How so?”

“Do you know your name?”

The seps, instead of saying no, shook its head. Ahehp smiled, her programming was working.

“Your name is FI-89-SEC or when you are alone with me I will call you Fisek, just to keep things easy.”

“Fisek. I like it. And what should I call you?”

“When there are more of your kind you will call me Lifegiver, but for now Ahehp is the name given to me by my creator.”

“Ahehp? As in Princess Ahehp of the Empire of the Oaori?”

This warranted another smile from her and unable to control her happy emotions, she ran to FI-89-SEC and hugged it. She felt the metal that served as the seps body. It was smooth and cold as she had designed it to be and there was a soft whirring sound coming from inside as the processors adjusted to her touch. Ahehp had to look up to look at her creations “eyes”. They glowed a bright but soft blue-gray. 

“So are you her?”

“Yes, Fisek, I am she.”

Fisek began stroking her hair. Not in a creepy, the seps has feelings, kind of way, but in a way that it was programmed to when she showed affection.

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