Reunions and New Friends

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I settled into my room and Ciel was right, it suited me perfectly. The walls were a midnight blue, just like my dress, because it was my favorite color (except for blood red, but I'm a vampire and that just makes me hungry LOL). The walls were accented with a pearl color white, similar to my hair, and the bed sheets were all black, like my wings. The room was also decorated with the painting of what I assumed to be a fallen angel of sorts. It was a rather Gothic piece, but it eerily looked like me. (the picture above is what it would look like, this also has nothing to with the story I just wanted to do it).

I tossed my bag onto a dresser in the room and plopped on the bed, spreading my wings a bit. The ceilings were so high in here, that I could probably fly, but if dad walked in on me, I'd be in trouble, so I'd better not. After a few more minutes of deciding whether or not I should try to fly in here, dad walked in. I immediately perked up a bit and called over the chair from the desk for him without having to get up (I'm a witch, I can manipulate things with my mind. Mkay?).

He gladly took the seat. "So, I assume you've been discovering and practicing with your other abilities?" I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, they're are so many things I can do by combining skills from the three. Like there's this thing, I can only do it when I'm really angry and hungry, but I can use a demon power combined with a spell that conjures a weapon to create this weapon that harvests souls! And there's loads others, and probably some I haven't even found yet!" I was so happy to be able to talk to him, it had been so long since he had to leave, a demon of his ranks couldn't just disappear with two mixed breeds, supernaturals would notice.

We sat there catching up so long, that it had gone past six before we even neared to stop talking. Before we knew it, Ciel himself had to come get me, as he grew impatient. After barging in, dad noticed the time immediately apologized. "It's fine, Sebastian, go downstairs, make me some tea and fetch a drink for our guest." Ciel approached me after dad left and asked me to follow him to his office. I took his hand and he lead down the halls until we reached it. We went in, he led me to a seat a chess table.

"Do you play chess, Lilith?" Ciel asked as he sat in the seat across from me. "Not much anymore, although when I was younger I was pretty good." I said semi-confidently as my dad came in with a tray of refreshments. I closed my eyes and deeply inhaled. I smelled nothing. He didn't bring me a glass of blood, as I had expected.

"The tea I have I brought you is a French blended Ceylon, I hope it is to your liking, my Lord."

"Sebastian, you haven't brought anything for our guest, how rude."

"I have my Lord, 'our guest' isn't your average chessmate. She has, interesting tastes." My dad flashed Ciel one of his signature smirks and pulled out a small cage, inside, a pharmaceutical rat. My favorite non human snack. Ciel jumped at the sight of it so I flashed him my fangs before sucking down the rat like a juice box. My dad left with the cage and the dead rat and Ciel merely gawked at me in either fear or disgust, I couldn't really tell.

"Surprised? Well before you answer I'm going to answer all your questions, as I know what they are. I am Lilith Michaelis, Sebastian's daughter. I am what supernaturals call a mixed breed, I am part vampire, part witch, mostly demon. I have fangs and wings, and I'm probably the powerful being to ever exist. Now, anything else?" I looked at him with my head cocked to the side slightly.

He partially regianed his composure, meaning his mouth was no longer hanging open, but his eyes were still wide with shock and confusion. He looked down at the chessboard, before he finally answered my question. "Not that I am particularly bothered by your presence, other than I have a slight fear that you might eat me, but why did you come here? Surely it wasn't just to visit, otherwise I would've seen or heard of you before." He looked me straight in the eyes, with a childlike curiousity that I couldn't help but admire.

"Well, Lord Phantomhive, my kind, meaning mixed breeds, do not have a good reputation for reasons I don't know. There are, hunters that want to kill us and scientists that want to study us in cruel ways, and so we hide. My and my mother, our home was stormed by hunters. There actually weren't interested in my mother, even though she was a mixed breed, they just wanted me. I am the only tri mixed breed ever known to have existed, and they wanted me dead. But my mom got in the way to protect me. She cast a spell, causing a chain reaction death on everyone but me. So I gathered a few things and left to find my dad, since he was a I had left. And just to ease your fear, as part demon, you are in a contract so I can't interfere even as a vampire, so your life is safe." I spilled the whole truth.

"Please, call me Ciel." He smiled at me. I knew that I could trust him, because he had this, thing that I could sense that was just purely good. Even if he did have a demon doing his bidding.

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