Build God, Then We'll Talk (part 1)

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*I would recommend listening to the song Build God, Then We'll Talk by Panic! At The Disco. It is not only a very good song, but the lyrics are somewhat of an outline as to how these next few chapters will play out. Enjoy!*

Ciel's POV

I could barely open my eyes, let alone try to speak and stop him. Not to mention, I was chained up on a wall in demon cuffs, restraining me from using any powers, even if I knew how to use them.  I strained as he picked her up and carried her away. I was so weak, I was so, so, hungry. I had never felt hunger like this before, it was strange, painful, and the longer I waited without sustenance, the more I began to lose control of my newly discovered abilities. I knew that I would have to be taught how to control my hunger.

I felt rage boiling inside me, at everything, because of everything. I felt like I could snap at any moment and kill someone. I struggled against the chains like a madman, and thrashed around, eventually, the chain on my left arm broke loose from the wall. I struggled more, but I was stuck at this point. Continuing to struggle only made welts grow up on my wrists.

So I just waited, and try and keep myself calm and not let the hunger consume me. I waited and waited. Oh, that's right, Sebastian isn't my Butler anymore. Just as this crossed my mind, Sebastian burst through the door.

"Young Lord!" He dashed to me and and smashed the chains. He picked me up in his signature bridal style way.

"Sebastian, what are you doing?"

"My lord, I am still your Butler, the contract remains in place until I eat your soul, but now you have no soul, but now I cannot devour it, there are some loopholes in demonology." Sebastian took off and started heading to what I assumed was Claude's location.

"I do apologize for being so late, Grell showed up because some of the scientists here were killed so he was collecting."

"It's fine. Just find her." I commanded.

"Yes, my lord."

Lilith's POV

I sat up in a familiar bed, yet it definitely was not the bed I came to know and love at the Phantomhive Manor. I take in my surroundings, immediately noticing the gaudy gold and red decorations, and realizing that I am yet again in the Trancy Manor.

I try to stand up only to find that my left arm is chained the bed, restraining me from fleeing. I even attempted a lock break spell, unsuccessfully. The metal didn't burn me, which meant that they were blessed against witch magic.

"Claude." I growled under my breath, anger boiling inside of me. He kidnapped me, again. He is keeping me prisoner, again.

I remember his words that he said to me in the lab:

"Looks like I have a wedding to plan, you filthy beast."

I glance down and look at my left hand. Sure enough, a silver ring with a small diamond in the middle sat on my ring finger. As of now, I was doomed to be married. Then to be the "mother" of a new species that Claude has plans to take over the world with.

Just my luck, huh?

I try to stretch out my wings, but due to their still broken state,it was too painful to try and move. I was trapped. Helpless, and hopeless.

Ciel, I think to myself, in an attempt to send him my thoughts, help me, my love.

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