Cages and Chains (not that kind you perv)

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Eventually, the pain from my surroundings in the cage became too much and I backed out. When I awoke, I was suspended into a small cage over an entire laboratory. When I examined my surroundings, I noticed that Ciel was still in fact in the cage with me. His eyes were open, his eye patch gone. They were glowing red, with hunger. He writhed around and his eyes flashed different shades of red and pink, meaning that the demon and vampire were fighting for control. I pulled him up and held him in my lap.

I stroked his hair gently, and leaned over to his ear, to whisper a spell so that the scientists and hunter wouldn't hear it. It wasn't a long spell, just a few Latin words, that were able to combine the three creatures coming from within him, because if they kept up fighting like this, they would literally tear him apart. He quieted down, and when he opened his eyes, His previously purple eye, was a deep scarlet like mine, and the blue eye remained the same. He sat up and looked me in the eyes.

"Lilith, I, I need, I'm, thirsty." His eye contact shifted into a glare. He was preparing to lunge at me, but I reached into my pocket, where I conveniently keep a vile of blood, for emergencies. I handed to him and he gulped it down. He dropped the vile and it shattered on the floor below us, drawing us some attention from the surrounding people.

After a moment of them staring us down in silence, a man, with a bald head and a white beard, slowly walked in. I could tell just by how to others looked at him, that he was the head scientist. He pulled away his pipe from his mouth and snapped. Our cage then began to lower down, almost to the floor.

"Bring me the girl. Tie up the boy in my lab, so that he can watch my work." He then stopped away back to where he came from and three lab coats and two hunters approached us. I darted as deep into the cage as I could, but it was no use, because they grabbed me by my hair and dragged me out onto the floor. I kicked and thrashed and yelled, and the man simply smacked me down onto the ground with more force, and I screamed in agony as I heard a deafening crack from my wings.

He broke my wings.

Tears streamed down my face as he pulled me away. Ciel tried to jump out of the cage after me, but was caught and had demon cuffs slammed onto him and they hit him over the head, knocking him out.

They're going to kill us here.

Gradually, I stopped resisting. It was inevitable. I cried for me,  I cried for my father, and mostly I cried for Ciel. He had been through so much in his short life, and the only reason he was here was because he loved me. I let him down.

The guards picked me up and slammed me onto the table, making my wings crack again under pressure. At this point, I couldn't cry any more.  I just laid there, holding my uneven breaths. 

I do not know how long I waited for something, anything to happen, and nothing did. I stayed there for hours until finally, I heard a heavy door creak open. Two men walked in before again sealing the door behind them. One stayed back, and was fully covered with a hair net and and a mask, as if I was contagious. The other fearlessly came up to my side.

"So, eh, what is your name, Madame?" The man spoke with a rough French accent.

"Lily Mich-, Lily Phantomhive." Never a mortal the full name if a demon, they can use it against you.

"I assume Lily is short for Lilian, correct?" He put on a pair of spectacles and began looking me over, examining me. Before I could respond that his assumption was wrong, he spoke again. "Anyways, I am Doctor Weasley, and I will be taking care of you for now."

"However, before I can dot work, I must do a full examination." He started to giggle like psychopath as he pulled out a scalpel. I stared wide-eyed and began to try and move away, but to no avail because of the state of my wings. Just as was about to slice my chest, the assistant from earlier ripped of their sanitary clothes and quickly snapped the neck of the doctor, and letting his limp body slide to the floor.

I looked away my savior with gratitude before I realized something: it was Claude.

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