Worse and Worse

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I zipped back and forth through the sky, trying my best to dodge the bullets. I carefully tried to make my way to the edge of town so that I can get to the manor. I glanced down to see my dad charging in the direction of the men and reaching into his inner pocket, no doubt grabbing a hold of his trusty silverware.

As far as I could tell, Ciel was no where around him, meaning that he could be in danger! I quickly scanned the crowd as the blue haired clouded my thoughts. I dashed around, until I could see him in an alleyway, to no real surprise, in trouble. An older, pauper looking man had Ciel pinned to a wall, a knife held to his throat. He was no doubt attempting to rob him, considering he was clearly a noble. However this was pointless considering today he didn't have money on him, because we were visiting the Undertaker.

I tucked my wings down and strongly landed in the alleyway. "Surprised they didn't hit me," I softly chuckled to myself, referring to the men. Of course quickly thinking about o can't hear the bullets anymore; Dad must've taken care of them. I approached the old man with a firm step. " Let him go." I grumbled.

"Yeah? Or what? You're just a girl!" He laughed at me and faced back to Ciel.

"You might want to run, because I think you've made her angry." Ciel shot the man one of his evil grins. The man looked back to me with a face of confusion, and before he knew it I had him by the neck, pinned to a wall. I could feel my eyes burning pink, as I prepared for a kill (why not, he'll make a good soul snack).

"Never, and I mean never, underestimate a woman." I stretched out my wings and just as I was about to rip out his soul, he started to speak.

"And, you miss, need to not be so careless," he choked out, coughing between almost every word.

"What the hell does that mean?" My grip on his throat tightened. He managed to crack a small smile before I heard a gunshot. I looked down and saw him loosely gripping a small handgun. I looked from the end of the barrel to where it was pointed and saw a bloody spot beginning to form on my lower abdomen. I dropped him and began to feel the pain of shot, only it was deeper, and it seemed to be spreading throughout my entire body. The pain was so intense that I collapsed and felt like I couldn't move. I couldn't scream. I couldn't cry. I could only lie there motionless in a pained state of shock. My world started to go dark and fuzzy, and I couldn't really understand what was happening. I could see Ciel run over to me and scream. He began to put pressure on the wound in an attempt to stop the profuse bleeding.

The man stood up, and spoke. I couldn't make out all of it, but before he ran off, what I did hear of his small speech was the phrase "bullet dipped in holy water". The holy water was in my bloodstream, spreading through my body. No wonder I was unable to do anything. I had no idea what the effect of holy water in the blood could do. The very thought of it is terrifying, and here I am, suffering from it.

For all I know, here in this alleyway, with my father no where to be seen and too much magickal blood spilt to be even try and smell him, and with a noble boy cradling my head in lap as he screams SEBASTIAN, I might die. I have to say, this is not how I planned to go out.

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