Sunsets and Warm Feelings

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I can't believe it's only been three days. I've been having so much fun on the estate! There's loads to do. I've been playing in the garden with the nicest boy I've ever met, Finny, I've been reading all sorts of books in the enormous library, I've been playing lots of games (primarily chess because I am still very good, I've beaten Ciel twice), and of course I've been flying. After doing a little bit of helping out around the house, mainly so Mey-Rin doesn't drop any more plates on my head, I like to relax and fly around at dusk. Ciel's estate is very large, so I can soar the skies without anyone other than the people her seeing me.

Tonight though, I promised Ciel that I'd fly him to the tippy-top of the roof, and that we'd watch the sunset together. He told me that he used to watch it from his bedroom window with his mother when he was little, but ever since she died, he couldn't bear to look at it. That's why he moved his room, so that the window showed the sunrise instead, and that's why his back is to the window in his office, so he doesn't see the sun set when it gets late. It actually quite sad, and why he's willing to watch it with a demonic mixed breed from Hell, I don't know.

I knocked before I walked into Ciel's office. "Hey, Ciel? Sunset will be soon. I suggest you go to highest accessible point, and I'll get you from there." He nodded and headed up for the roof. While he had to climb several flights of stairs and get picked up by a female vamp demon chick with wings, and all I had to do was fly, and do the picking up. I jumped out of the nearest window and soared up to the best place. I hovered a bit until I saw Ciel peek his little blue head out of a door and onto the roof.

He hadn't seen me yet, and since I was a mischievous little supernatural, I swooped in and grabbed him out of nowhere,with no warning. He didn't react like I had hoped. I hoped he would scream like a little girl and flail around, but instead he only got nervous because of flying really, and he reached out to grab a hold of something without thinking. Take a guess what he grabbed. Yep, my left boob. I immediately went blood red in the face and smacked him straight across the face before he even realised what he did. We were at the spot by then so I dropped down and sort of roughly dropped him down.

He gawked in shock. I still don't think he realised what he grabbed. "What was that for, Lilith?" He held his now red cheek. "Take a momenrpt to think about what you grabbed! You perv!" I angeilly pouted and plopped down, not looking at him. Of course, it was hard to not notice his eyes widen so big once he realised. "Oh god! Lilith I am so sorry! I was scared! I didn't know, I didn't mean to, I wasn't trying to! Honestly! Ughh!" He sat down and layed his head in his lap. It was faint, but I could hear him say "baka, baka, baka," under his breath. I scooted over so that was right beside him.

"Ciel, you're not a total baka..." I trailed off, unsure of where exactly I was trying to go with this. "I'm sure, you're embarrassed, but its fine, I forgive you. I'm over it already. Why are you being so harsh on yourself about it?" I looked him into his, eye.

"Lilith, I was going to do something, but I feel as if I ruined it because of my actions." He looked away. I glanced at the skyline. The sun was just starting to set. "Oh Ciel! The sun is setting! Look! And don't just focus on the sun, look at the clouds, and the layers of the sky, all of it makes up the beauty of the sunset." For some reason I had tangled my arms around Ciel's arm, and rested my head on his shoulder. I know it was a weird thing to do, especially since I had only known him for a few days, but it felt right. I mean, sunsets are extremely romantic, so it just happened.

After the sun was about halfway gone, I looked at Ciel. His uncovered eye had a perfect reflection of the sunset, making a scene much more beautiful than the actual sun. As he continued to watch the sunset, I was absolutely mesmerized by his eye. I couldn't stop staring, it was possibly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The image was so clear, that I even saw the sun disappear over the treetops, and yet the eye was still filled with the orange color. He finally noticed me looking at him, and he look at me. His eyes widened, and he stared at me like I was at him for some reason.

Ciel's POV

After the sun fell over the horizon, I looked at Lilith, who had been staring at me for quite a while, and I saw the dark orange color of the skyline elegantly reflected in her deep red eyes. It made her eyes feel even more mysterious, yet it made them softer, instead of so piercing. She looked so beautiful in this lighting, and I felt nervous being around her. Not in a scared way, but in a childish way. I am starting to think I have a crush on this fair skinned vampire demon girl.

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