Build God, Then We'll Talk (part 2)

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It's been two days. I haven't even seen Claude, let alone been able to pick up anything psychically from my father or Ciel. Honestly, I'm running out of hope. The clock is ticking, if I can't manage my way out of this, I'll be doomed to not only marry Claude, but also be ruthlessly tortured in order to create his 'master race'.

Soon enough these horrid thoughts send a shiver down my spine as Claude storms in, a wicked grin plastered across his otherwise emotionless face.

"Lily dear, I have taken your measurements, and here, is your wedding dress." He produces a cream colored gown from behind him. It is fairly simple, minimal beading and very sleek, with a low back so that my wings won't get in the way. However I do notice that it is a bit revealing for my taste, probably made that way by Claude's design for his plans.

"Would you try it on?" He inches close to me, and pulls a key out of his pocket. "If you agree to, and you don't try to run off, maybe I'll feed you tonight." He unbuttons the top of his shirt, and tilts his head so that his neck is pointing to me. I hear the blood pumping through his veins, and my fangs sprout, desperate for a taste. I furrow my brow, hating that I am letting him do this to me, and I nod.

"I'll try on the dress. Please." I stare at his neck, being close enough to smell his blood. My stomach growls furiously and I feel my eyes turning red with violent hunger. If he keeps teasing me like this, I'll go rabid.

"Good there, see? With your co-operation, everything will be just fine." He unlocks the chains and they drop with a clank to the floor. I lunge at him, terribly thirsty. However, before my fangs can even get close to his neck, he grabs me by the throat and slams into the wall.

"Lilith, dress first, then you can have a taste." He scowls and clenches my throat tighter. I manage to nod before he drops me to the floor, leaving me gasping for air.

He then proceeds to try and take my dress off. I back away into a corner. "No, I'll do it myself!" I try to yell at him, but it just barely squeaks out. I can feel the bruises forming on my neck.

"Lily, do you think I'm an imbecile? I can't leave you alone unless you're in chains, otherwise you'll try to flee. Now, you've already agreed to try it on, so you will try it on, with my assistance, and if you disobey me then you go another night without sustenance."

I sigh a shaky sigh, defeated. I stand up warily, and slowly walk over to Claude, facing away from him, and letting a tear fall down my cheek as I feel his cold finger run down my back as he slips off my dress.

He puts me in the wedding dress, and pulls close to him, forcing me to lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me, in an almost lovingly manner. It shocked me.

"Lilith, I know I have treated you awfully, and that you probably fear me and hate me with every ounce of your being, but I have to admit, you are a beautiful creature, and I am glad to call you my fiancé. Hopefully you will learn to love me." He kisses my forehead gently, and leans down in a manner so I can drink his blood, and I close my eyes slowly, and Pierce his flesh. I feel his body tense around me, and then relax. My consciousness fades out, as the beast within me takes control.

(The Next Morning)

I wake up with a start, after experiencing another nightmare about my mother, only to find that I can't sit up, because there is an arm draped over my waist. I look beside me to find a shirtless Claude, asleep in the bed next to me. I immediately begin to panic, trying with every ounce of my power to remember what happened after I bit him, and praying to Lucifer that nothing happened.

Claude shifts, and wakes up, startling me further.

"Good morning my dear," He sits up and grabs his glasses off of the table next to the bed. "How did you sleep?" He smiles an evil smile, and pushes up his glasses, carefully pointing out that on his ring finger, lay a gold band, a wedding ring.

It's too late....

It's not over yet!!!!

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