Realizations and Curses

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"FIANCÉ!?!?" Ciel and my father gawked at both Alois and I. I didn't understand it much myself, however I was busy thinking. Ciel, kissed me, and, it temporarily, fixed me? Does that mean that, we are connected?

"Lilith! Tell these fools that we are to be married!" Alois grabbed my arm and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I, uh," I looked around the room, and stopped my eyes on Ciel. He looked heartbroken. I felt my heartbeat speed up at the thought of the kiss. I felt myself walking to him, and before I knew it, I was a mere inches from his face. I glanced at his lips, before regaining eye contact again. Almost in perfect sync, we closed our eyes and fell into a kiss. It was deep and longing. We broke off the kiss with the sound of my father coughing for our attention.

"Lilith, Ciel, you are both apparently engaged to other people, and yet you act this way." His eyes rolled, and although it was faint, I heard him speak to me through our telepathy.

Even though you're my daughter, and he my master, I'd much rather you two be together than you with that blonde brat. At least until the contract is fulfilled.

I smiled, then it fell into a panicked look. I glanced at Ciel before I spun around to see a speechless Alois. I reached to remove the gold ring from my hand that I did not willingly accept, and he ran over to me and back-handed me across the face. I fell onto the floor and clasped my cheek, feeling tears threaten to come out as I held my stinging cheek. My father instantaneously had his eyes glowing pink and Alois against a wall. I snatched the ring off of my hand threw it at him.

My father caught it in between his thumb and index finger. "Now, your highness, a betrothal has to be approved by the guardians of both parties, and as her father, I will not allow this." He crushed the ring into dust and quickly picked me up and prepared to leave. Ciel held onto my hand as my father carried me out to the carriage. He laid me down in the seat and Ciel sat across from me, still clasping my hand.

"That makes one of you, now how about you young Lord? What about Lizzie?" Ciel glared at my father, before matter-of-factly stating that he broke it off with Lizzie after the night we watched the sunset together.

"Ah, well then. We shall return to the manor swiftly, I must prepare dinner." My father closed the carriage door and began to guide the horses back to the manor.

"Lilith..." Ciel whispered my name and strokes my hair. I whispered his name as he touched my head, and then remembered what my father said. 'Until the contract is fulfilled', I jolted up so fast that I hit my head on the top of the carriage. I immediately sat back down and ignored the newfound throb in my head.

"Ciel! No, no, no! The contract! This can't happen! No.." I trailed off as tears began to fall at the thought of losing him.

He gently put his hand to my face and wiped away my tears. "Lilith, what are you trying to say?" He had a look of deep set concern on his face.

"Ciel Vincent Phantomhive, I, I love you, but, we can't." The tears came harder.

"Lily, what are you saying?" I could his voice crack and the emotions began to hit him at the thought of losing me again.

"I want to, I do. But your contract with Sebastian, you'll die and I'll be alone again." I finally mustered up the courage to look him in the eyes (or eye?). "I'm immortal. You are not only human, but you are damned to live a short life."

The realization slowly began to hit Ciel.

"Oh..." After a moment of pondering, his eye(s) lit up. "Lilith! I believe there is a way, but it would be, difficult probably."

I looked at him, not understanding what he was trying to say.

"Lilith..." He took my hands and leaned over to my ear.

"Bite me."

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