Death and A Calling

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The last I remember was my father, Sebastian Michaelis, running around the corner and his eyes widening in fear of losing me. And now here I am, lost in another realm, with a new found sense of terror. I'm alone, all alone. I curl up into ball on the invisible ground and begin to weep.

I'm dead. Ciel is all alone. My father is all alone.

On the bright side, they would be much safer without me around. I'm a walking time bomb, I will go off one day, whether it be murder or of my accordance.

"Lilith," a voice called out, startling me. I thought I was alone in here. "Lilith, come" I stood up, and cautiously approached the voice.

"Hello? Who's there?" My voice sounded hollow in this place.

"Lilith Michaelis? The tri-mixed blood? Daughter to Sebastian and Allison Michaelis?"

"That is me, who are you?" I was very near the voice, yet I saw no one, only various patches of light and dark. Suddenly, a tall black figure emerged from a rather menacing shadow. He was about as tall as my father, cloaked in an all black suit, that of a Butler. His wore glasses, and they sat on the bridge of his nose. His eyes, reminded me of a spider; piercing yellow.

A demon. Just like my father. He drew close to me, and gracefully kissed my hand after taking it into his. I looked up and hissed at him. I despised spiders. No matter how enticing he was.

" You are not dead, my sweet one. Merely in a coma, of which you wake up from soon." His voice sounded much sweeter, now that I had a face pair it with.

"Why are you here?" I looked deep into those eyes; I was drawn to them, they seemed softer, like they were melting into honey. This only enticed me further.

"Because I need you to come to me. When you wake, seek me out. You'll find me not too far from the Phantomhive manor, where you currently reside. I, as you father, am a demon locked in a contract. You will be able to follow my scent, sweet, like honey." His words became softer as he leaned in, coming only an inch from my face.

"What is your name?" I could feel myself almost swooning at this demon. Slowly, my feeling for Ciel almost felt as if they were slipping away from existence.

He pulled away, before smirking, and saying "I, am Claude Faustus. Butler of the Trancy Manor. And you are mine."

His words pulled away, before I began feeling lightheaded, and falling unconscious, perhaps even dead, to this realm.

I jerk up breathing heavily, and feeling numb. I was in my room at the manor. Within seconds, my father burst into the room. "Lilith! I thought we lost you!" I couldn't feel anything, emotion-wise or touch-wise. He pulled away, realizing that I wasn't going to hug him back.

"Lilith? You seem, off. You eyes are, glassy." He touched my forehead just before Ciel dashed into the room. Ciel, why am I fighting an urge to kill right her, right now? My sweet Ciel...

No, he is the enemy. I must find Claude. I shoved my father away and launched onto Ciel. My mind felt like it was struggling, to kill or not to kill? I fell back off of him, with both him and my father staring in fear. I could intense power, coarsing through my veins. This must be from the holy water, in the blood, it strengthens me.

I snapped out my wings and dashed to window, throwing them wide open.

"Lilith! What has gotten into you?" Ciel ran to my side and lightly touched my shoulder. He appeared to be on the verge of tears.

I tried to tell him, but I could only manage three words.

"Eyes of honey," before my vision blacked out and I could feel the wind on my skin. I deeply inhaled, and managed to to smell that rich honey.

Before I knew it, I was on the ground, in front of a glorious manor, more extravagant the Phantomhive manor. I carefully went up to the grand doors and before I could knock, the man I knew as Claude Faustus opened the door and smiled. He grabbed my hand and led me into the manor, guiding me to the main staircase.

"Why did you bring me here?" He stopped, turned to me and pressed his lips to mine.

"Because you are the one who will revolutionize the demon race." I was nearly disgusted, but once again found myself lost in those pools of honey.

"Yes, I will." My monotone voice echoed through the halls as he led me to an amazing room.

"You and I, will rule this wretched world, together as one."

Before I could respond, I collapsed, in perfect time, onto a bed and slept.

Hello reader Chan! I finally got to update again, and I may have just lost all of my readers due to this Claude situation. But hear me out! Ciel is not out of the picture, just please keep reading! I promise you'll love it!


Alois: calm down at once!


Alois: *facepalm*

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