Double Death

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I pulled away from Ciel and stared into his eyes, searching for an answer to why he would do this for a genetic mutant like me. Before I found my answer, I hear my father's voice ring in my head.

Lilith, I must say this disappoints me. As magnificent as his soul is, and how much I crave it, I used my pocketwatch to see the future, and frankly, he was to end up a demon. I was going to try to change it, but chances are I would have failed. Go on, I will not abandon him, especially if you and the young Lord do truly love each other. I will be there for you. Lily, I love you.

I could not believe I was hearing this. Right now, from my father. My eyes water with a combination of sorrow and happiness. I squeezed them shut and hovered over his neck. I had to pierce his neck, then give him some of my blood before he dies from the bite. I slowly pierced into his soft flesh and felt him tense up. A bit of his blood filled my mouth, and I had to force myself to not drink it. I pulled away, and quickly bit my wrist, and held it to his mouth.

"Drink." He placed his lips on the wound and drew my blood into him. I could sense the human inside of him mutate. He continued to lick clean my wrist and the wound disappeared. That was a sign that it was complete. Ciel Phantomhive looked at me with a soft, and calm facial expression. It gradually turned into a look of utter agony as he collapsed from his seat in the carriage and began to cry out.

I dropped to his side, not knowing what to do. It isn't supposed to be that painful. Something was wrong.

"Father! Stop the carriage! Somethings wrong! Help!" I began to cry out. The carriage came to an abrupt stop and father was soon examining him. After a moment, his eyes fearfully widened.

"Lily, I did not expect this to happen..." He trailed off.

"What? What happened?" Tears streamed down my face as I cradled Ciel in my lap.

"Lilith, he is becoming, just like you." He looked at me.

"So, h-he is turning into, a-all three at once? No, no, no. Ciel I'm so sorry." I put my forehead against his as he went pale and cried out again before the pain rendered him unconscious.

"This will be a much longer and more painful process than we anticipated. He will need to feed as soon as-" my father was hit over the head by a blunt object and slumped to the ground, knocked out. Three men, heavily armed with weapons barricaded the door. I instantly knew that they were hunters, yet they weren't trying to kill me, yet.

One of them turned around shouted to someone. "We found the girl! And it seems you get a bonus toy as well, doc!" Oh Lucifer, help us. The hunters and scientists teamed up. They were working together to catch us. I grabbed Ciel and dragged him away as I attempted to find an escape plan. I frantically looked around, and realized I was trapped. I began to try and fight back, but they pulled out a crucifix and slammed onto my face.

I screamed to the top of my lungs and felt it singe my skin and the other hunters took this opportunity to slam blessed cuffs around my wrists and ankles before they dragged me and Ciel into a small cage and hauled us away.

The blessed metal burned my skin deep down. I was completely trapped. What made it worse was that I was trapped with a freshly turned, who had several components screaming one thing: feed me.

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