Weaknesses and Weakening

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Lilith's POV

I had always had a struggle with balancing out my abilities. Like right now for example, it is the middle of the day and we are in middle of town, surrounded by potential meals. I could smell everything about them: the souls, the blood, the flesh. All maturing vampires and demons have problems like this around mortals (witches eat human food, but because of the three combined my stomach can only handle blood and souls). However, since I had both, the sensations, temptations, and urges were twice as strong. As we walked down the streets, dad had to hold me to him in order keep my cover on, literally.

I say literally because the hunger and the smell all around me was making me subconsciously change into my demons true form, which lets just say would not be good. Long story short, it would kill me because I'm not built to go full demon; I almost learned that the hard way a few years back.

Eventually, dad was carrying me, but because of my smaller stature it didn't seem too out of the ordinary to the mortals. However, the fact that my eyes were glowing pink did stand out to those recognized them. I saw a group of men, equipped with not well concealed guns, spotted the glow from eyes and started tailing us, I could tell without even seeing them because I could just plain smell their filthy musk and the holy water, which was so strong that from here it was burning my nostrils. I looked up at dad, he seemed on edge, but like he couldn't quite place what it was for.

Dad, I hoped that after all these years we could still talk telepathically. Lilith, something is wrong. He sounded really worried. There are at least a half of dozen hunters in our trail,  they've spotted my eyes. They have holy water, dad. As bad as holy water is for demons, because of my witch blood and even more so my vampire blood along with the demon, holy water is one of the worst things that I can ever come in to contact with.

On demons, it weakens them, their skin turns red like they have a bad sunburn, and it will faintly smoke. On vampires, if its splashed in their face, it will temporarily blind them, and it burns them a bit worse, no smoke, but it leaves a frazzled and acid-like burn and it takes a bit longer to heal than a demon. On witches, it temporarily disabled their powers, leaving them defenseless and releasing this ability known as 'soul protect' which hides witch souls to keeps away any Meisters who would try to kill them (a little Soul Eater for ya!) and it burns them similarly like it burns the demon; the effects vary by each witch according to how Evil you are (the worse you are, the longer it lasts).

For me, it is all of those symptoms and its worse. Whether it's just a tiny drop and even if its on my freaking toe, I lose my eyesight for 24 hours and I get infected with an u dead version of the flu, which expels everything (and I mean everything) from my body and I can't eat for days, which turns me I to a raging, practically rabid monster willing to drain every last drop of blood from the first mortal I find. I also get severe, acidic burns where water touched my skin that infects the flesh and makes it swollen and red and painful for days until I can regenerate new tissue. It makes my wings retract into me being (makes them disappear from the outside form, which I can do sometimes and control, but in this situation I cannot control it), rendering them useless until my powers return. Oh yeah, about that, every single power and or ability I have disappears. So essentially, holy water turns me into a sick mortal for at most three days if it is a larger burn.

Lilith, my dad's deep voice echoed through my head. I believe they can tell that you are vulnerable, I am sensing some technology that is foreign, I think that they may be teaming up with scientists.

Dad, what does that mean for me? I could the sharp pink ofmy eyes soften to their usual deep red with fear.

It means that if they catch you, you will suffer a worse fate than than if I killed you in cold blood. He looked at me sympathetically. You need to get out of here, and fast. His eyes motioned to the skyline. I'll give a boost, then you stretch and take off to the manor, Lilith, up and away!

Without any further hesitation my father launched me into the sky so fast that no one but him saw me. I quickly snapped out my wings and started heading my way to the way to the manor. That's when the bullets began to blaze.


If I can get five likes on this chapter, Alois and Claude will be in the next one! Reminder, this is a CielxOC/Reader, not an AloisxReader so he won't be a love interest, I just kinda want to throw them in there for fun. Also, I am sorry for not having any real Ciel on this chapter and for this being a HORRIBLE chapter, I've been on vacation so I've been distracted recently.

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