Metting shawn

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I walk up to the meet and greet to see Shawn Nash Cameron carter and Matt .... I ask Matt for a picture and he kisses my check .... I'm amber .... I'm 15 .... 5'4"1/2" have red hair and blue/grey eyes .... Shawn looks over walks up to us and doesn't look happy ....
"Mine" he says holding me tight I have always know I would have a mate But I didn't think I would find one this young so I run away from them while Cameron and Nash follow me .... The rest stay and sign more things for fans .... When your a werewolf mate you have your mate your two best friends and the other two friends in the normal packs and you don't met the other mates most of the time ....
"Stop please" Cameron calls and I stop because I know he is one of my bet friends and so is Nash
"Look we know this is"Nash starts
"I know your werewolfs I'm half werewolf half vampire I only ran because I didn't think I would find a mate this young" I say as they look at me in shock then I continue "I have grown up with werewolfs my mom is a werewolf and got custody of me"
"I'm sorry umm" Cameron starts and gives me a hug and so does Nash
"Amber .... Amber Lewis"
"I'm sorry amber but I see Shawn coming and I don't know how much he will like us hugging you so" Nash says as they let go at this point I'm starting to cry because when you find you mate if you don't Have a kid within the first 40 months of Meeting you both die and that means I have to have a kid before I'm 20 .... I'm an only child because my dad and mom divorced and never had any other kids .... My mom will understand me being pregnant so young but my dad never got the hole werewolf rules thing .... That's why he left
"Mine" Shawn says as he puts his arms around my waist right hand on my stomach I ran so far that we are now on the beach I look up at him .... He's so much taller then me he's like 6'2" and I'm only 5'4"-5'5"
"Awe someone is protective of their mate" I say
"You told her" he asks them
"She told us she knew she's half were wolf half vampire and were he two best friends hi amber Shawn doesn't know your name yet so it's amber" Cameron says
"Well I would like to talk to amber alone" Shawn says when they leave he sits down with me on his left and him on my right "so your half werewolf half vampire that's so cool"
"Sure but vampires and werewolfs are natural enemy's so I never get to be on a side when my parents fight But I have a mate now so my parents have no control over me" I tell him
"Well that's good because I love you and your mine and my mate and I don't want you around anyone else"
"I love you too but you know we can't be away from each other for more then 4 days and you live in Canada and go on tour and u live in U. S. A. And go to school"
"I'm only 16 I have someone that does school with me on the tour and you can come on tour with me if you want to if your parents understand then it shouldn't be a problem right"
"Well that's the thing my dad will kill you if he meets you"
"Why would he do that"
"Because he's a vampire"
"He doesn't get the hole mate thing and all the rules I told you this and he's a vampire no offense but they are more powerful then werewolfs"
"I know but can't your mom talk to him"
"They are divorced they are mates but since he is a vampire and he was bettin after they got married and just before they .... Made .... Me and so he doesn't like the werewolf part of me"
"I'm sorry princes"
"It's not your fault"
"I still feel bad"
"So tell me about you"
"Well i just turned 15 this was a birth day present the met and greet I'm 5'4"1/2" I love you and your music and I don't love you because your famous I love you because your you I live in Piscataway and my friends back home will freak especially my Boyfriend" I say and his eyes turn blood red
"Your Boyfriend"
"Well now he's going to be my ex Boyfriend"
"Good because your mine" he says and hugs me really tight
"Awwwweeee" I hear Cameron say behind us
We turn around and see all 4 boys I guess they were done with the meet and greet because now they are standing here looking a googgly eyed at the two of us so I guess they also Hurd everything we said
"You guys suck" I say standing up and chasing Cameron
"Why me" he yells
"Because I'll be closest to you besides Shawn" I tell back at him
"Whatever" he says and turns as I am still chasing him
"Stop" Shawn growls and we stop I turn and see my best friend skylar standing there she is in love with Shawn but she can't have him now
"Skylar" I say and get cut off by Matt and carter
"Skylar OMG your my mate" they both say and look at eachother
"No she's my mate" they both say again
"Ugh" Shawn says "they always do things the same"
"I have Hurd if this before you just need to be with both of them and they also need to be with each other" I say and all 3 of them look at me oddly well everyone looks at me oddly and then Matt carter and skylar look at each other then back something me
"I'm sorry explain more"

Hey guys sorry for the cliff hanger but please read and tell your friends

Shawn mendes werewolf vampireWhere stories live. Discover now