Old stories part 2 (Book 2)

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"remember the day the 8th grade went to new york and vivian was being a bitch no offence" vivian just roles her eyes "well i remember that day and that was the day i became part of squad and that was the day michelle became part of squad and you know i am so thankful and i remember running around new york and singing see you again on the van ride back i remember and i dont want you to leave because you are the only reason i am part of squad and i love you and the only reason vivian and i arent fighting is because of you and we all dont want you to leave i mean we know you are going away for a month but when you come back we dont want you to leave because we all love you and would miss you and you know what remember the 8th grade pool trip when matt tought you how to do a back flip off the diving board and you did it and ryan couldnt well that we impressive you both and for you to do that in a strapless bathing suit was even more impressive and you both can do flips and stuff on land and off the diving board" she says then says something i wish she didnt "i remember the day you told ryan you liked matt while dating him and he really freaked and i remember a few days before matt told kialah he liked you and you know what .... we got past it .... as a group we didnt fall apart and we would fall apart without you and you know that we have been through so much as a group you cant et miss chevilier (principle) be right she always said we needed to get riide of squad and we never fall apart what will happen if she finds out the person who started squad is gone she will pick us off one by one untill there is no one left" she says then matt speacks up and by now shawn carter mat cameron hayes nash and skylar are in the room along with my squad

"you know what i remember" matt starts "i remember the day i met you and all you talked about was ryan in gym that day and how you had no friends and now you have friends and we all love you and ryan broke your heart and you broke his heart and i forgive ryan for breaking my twins heart and i forgive you for breaking my brothers heart from the moment i met you i knew we would be good friends and we have been best friends since i remember you got sent home early and ryan came running up to me saying he was dating you after he used vivians phone to ask you out i remember how upset he was he didnt get to do it in person but i also remember how happy he was he was dating you and then i remember the monday after after the four way call that weekend lets start with that i remember you were at your aunts house and they gave ryan the talk and it was so funny and you know what that monday i started to like you and we only told ava and she keept the secret and she was such a good friend because of that and you know i love you we had our ups and downs but i would never leave you so dont leave me" he sayd

"my turn" ryan says "i remeber the one time you cursed out crocken (vice principle) and it was actually kialah and he got your names wrong andf all of that but i remmeber thinking holy shit and i remmeber you got suspended and the next day it was only me matt and kialah because vivian didnt go because she was pissed and then that monday we had off and we didnt get to see eachother over the weekend so that tuesday when you came back and we as in the 4 orig 5 me you kialah vivian and matt came running and i mean running up to you and i mean ran uo to you and attacked you in hugs see we love youn please dont leave us"

"i remember the time we had a sleep over and you warned me about jarrett and i didnt listen and i should have but i remmeber like ava said the day you let me be in squad and i was so happy we spend the day together and we have been best friends since i know i can tell you secrets and you know you can tell me secrets and thats what i love about our relationship i also rememebr we had akl of the same classes but one and we were so close dont leave me" michelle says

"i remember the day i met amber and she wanted me in squad i alsop remember ryan wanted to leave and you were crying and you told ryan you knopw what we all love skylar already and she is part of squad if you dont like it oh well but no one is leaving squad because then i wanted to leave i also remember when ryan broke up with you the first time and we got even closer and no offence to shawn and or cameron but i still want you too together look amber what we are all trying to say is we wouldnt leave you so dont leave us" skyalr says sitting on mat's lap .... i think and i meani do remember all of thoes things i remember the day i met ryazn and at first sight i saw him i feel inb love with him but i also rememebr the first time we kissed and matt had to almost force him i remember the day ava joined and vivian was being a bitch but we let her back into squad because she was and is a squad memeber but vivian has left us before ryan has left me before kialah and matt have left me before so i dont know if they really mean what they say i mean they almost all left me before so i have to think about what they are saying carefully


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