Shopping part 2

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"Why 400"
"Because you only wanted 4 pairs of the 8 matching ones we bought" I guess he did the math because it's $50 a pair in rounding and I am a math and science person so I can do things fast I see a school supply store and drag them to it
"I also have to have a bunch of note books" I say and they smile
We go in and there are note books on sale for 7¢ each so We each count out 1000 so now I have 300 notebooks they spent $210 on the note books we go to the car and put out stuff in it bc we can't carry it then we go back into the mall we go to the dollar store in the mall
"So I am only write with curtain pens" we find the pens and they insist we get 200 packs of 2 when I really don't need that many and so we spend $200
"Let's go get you binders and paper" Nash says dragging us to the supply store again we find binders for 25¢ each and filler paper for 88¢ why does everything have to be so none expansive its 8 and I'm tired we get 100 binders and 200 pack of filler paper then we go back to the car and put things in it then go back to the stores and get more stuff we wind up spending another $3756 for a total of $4865 and Go out to the car there are so many bags that we have to put some in the frount and the rat we put on the floor in the trunk and hold some
"You guys didn't had to do that" I tell them and they both give me death glares
"Yes we did" they both say at the same time
"Whatever I will pay you back one day" I say to them
"No you won't or we will tell Shawn you made out with us" Nash says Cameron and I both give him a death glare when we get to the hotel Shawn and sky aren't back its now 10:30 p.m. And very dark out the rest of the boys come out and help us bring the at least 300 bags in and then I go to my room and start thinking that I should have gotten more suit cases then I hear a knock it's Jacob
"What's up jake" I ask him
"My power is mind reading come on let's go get suit cases no arguments or I will tell Shawn you kissed me" he says
" what is it with you guys and the threats
"Well that's the only way we can get you to do things" he says and dragged me out to the driver by my right arm
"To the mall" he says
"Man amber the boys love you" the driver says laughing and then starts to drive again.... When we get to the mall we go to the Walmart part and go in then Jacob leads me by the left wrist as in him holding my left wrist to the luggage part and then he picks one out its zebras and it's a 10 pack and $125 and he grabs 2 packs and hands me two
"Jacob you don't have to do this" I say to him and he gives me a death glare and growls "ok ok" I say and he smile widely when we get to the cash register the girl reconditioned him an started to freak out
"Can I have a picture with you and your Girlfriend" she asks
"I'm not" I start
"Sure" Jacob says and I give him a death glare but the girl seems so happy so I disuse to let it go and take the picture but make a mental note to tell Shawn later when we walk out Jacob looks at me then says :::: "don't tell Shawn his power is extra string sences and please she looked so happy and she is a fan and she likes you"
"Ok" is all I say
"Tell me about you"
" ok umm .... " I start then pause "well I'm 15 and I just turned 15 im 5'4"1/2" and I am half werewolf have vampire I have a boyfriend Back him and I am going to break up with him he is human and is skylarks brother my squad is made up of vampires werewolfs and humans but the humans on our squad only know about us I am an only child my dad is a vampire and my mom is a werewolf I don't see my dad that much but just before you guys came I saw him and he bought me a bunch of stuff Harry styles is my third cousin and we never met and I was fan in love with him until I found out now I only love him as a family member we are related on my moms side" I say and he nods
"So how old were you wen you found out and when did you met your friends"
"When I found out I was part vampire was when I was 7 and when I found out I was part werewolf was when I was 7 and a half because I got mad at my mom and transformed we all thought u was only a vampire but that I could eat normal food" I say then pause and then continue "I met my friends most of them 5/15/15 and I found out 6/22/15 when they all told me I was the new kid at school and we made a squad but we have direct and distant members and so they didn't want to tell me at first but then one day I forgot my contacts and my eyes were orange because werewolfs eyes are yellow or gold and ventures eyes are red and so they found out and told me" he just moods when we get out of the car shaken is standing there and doesn't look happy he has his arms crossed and looks pissed

Shawn mendes werewolf vampireWhere stories live. Discover now