Cab ride

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AMBER's P. O. V.
We land and we get 4 cabs and go like this

Amber Cameron Nash
Skylar Aaron Jacob
Shawn Carter matt
Jack jack Taylor Hayes

"Amber" I hear skylar say in my mind
"Yeah" I say back not in the mood to talk to her
"I think I'm pregnant" she says and I sit up skylar is 4 months older then me
"WHAT" I mentally scream pause and then continue "you only had sec a few days ago let me correct my self last night" I say and she is pissed I can tell
"Yeah well you don't know everything you don't know that not one of them
Used protection" she says and I can tell she is smirking
"One of them" I ask
"Matt and Carter and another boy" she says and I'm done
"You know what skylar your being a brat ok I love Shawn and I also love Cameron and Shawn is my mate he is your best friend and even though I'm dating Cameron doesn't give you the right to try and make Shawn fall for you with some plan what would matt and Carter do if they knew there sweat Girl didn't even love them and that she lives someone else and only wants to be with someone else and has a lab to be with someone else they would flip also I love you skylar but trying to bump me from alpha and to the point that you would kill me or even turn the pack aguenst the rest of us that's wrong and I don't want to be friends with you you know what take Aaron Jacob jack jack and Taylor to your house" and I end it there
"Fine then I will" she says and then we have no more connection
Nash:::: amber what's wrong
Cameron:::: what do you mean
Nash:::: I can tell she is upset
Amber:::: I am
Cameron:::: why what's wrong
Nash:::: can't you tell I told you that skylar is being a bitch
Amber:::: watch it
Cameron:::: whoa
Nash:::: damn
Amber:::: she is my best friend you never call her that again
Cameron:::: ok
Nash:::: ok ok
Amber:::: good
Cameron:::: why are you upset
Nash:::: you already asked that
Cameron:::: let her answer
Nash:::: whatever
Amber:::: Skylar is being mean she is taking jack jack Aaron Jacob and Taylor to her house because we don't get along anymore and I'm upset because skylar is my best friend and I know her she would never be doing this if she did not met Matt and Carter and so I think that's why I said I'll take Matt and Carter that was she is away from them a little while she also thinks she is pregnant
Cameron:::: whoa
Nash:::: shit
Amber:::: yeah
Cameron:::: so what are you henna do babe
Nash:::: yeah Ames what are you genna do
Amber:::: talk to Ryan
Cameron:::: who
Nash:::: who's Ryan
Amber:::: Ryan is my boyfriend well soon to be ex and he is skylarks sister we told you this just like how skylar is the only member of her family that is a were wolf and she is the alpha because of that just like I was the alpha of my squad which by the way can they still come on tour
Cameron:::: yeah
Amber:::: ok good so do you two know anything about them
Cameron:::: no
Nash:::: we well I don't remember
Amber:::: ok Ryan is my boyfriend or ex and skylars brother skylar is well you know sky and then billy is one of the few that don't go to our school nick billy and kialah are going in to 8th grade and nick is a distant member the distant me never are billy nick sandy Noah Kent kialah Ava sometimes Vivian sometimes skylar and the direct members are Ryan Matt Michelle and I Noah is like my twin brother we have grown up since 3 and 8 months to get her and sandy is skylars boyfriend or soon to be ex Matt is my best friend and neither of you will replace him Kent and Michelle are dating Vivian and Ava always fight and never get along they hate each other well Vivian hates Ava and I'm sure is Vivian gave Ava another chance they would be good friends and so yeah any other questions
Cameron:::: yeah hang on
Shawn:::: what
Cameron:::: Amber say that to everyone so we don't have to go over this again everyone can hear you
Amber:::: ok Ryan is my boyfriend or ex and skylars brother skylar is well you know sky and then billy is one of the few that don't go to our school nick billy and kialah are going in to 8th grade and nick is a distant member the distant me never are billy nick sandy Noah Kent kialah Ava sometimes Vivian sometimes skylar and the direct members are Ryan Matt Michelle and I Noah is like my twin brother we have grown up since 3 and 8 months to get her and sandy is skylars boyfriend or soon to be ex Matt is my best friend and neither of you will replace him Kent and Michelle are dating Vivian and Ava always fight and never get along they hate each other well Vivian hates Ava and I'm sure is Vivian gave Ava another chance they would be good friends and so yeah any other questions
Jacob:::: oh ok
Nash:::: cool
Shawn:::: whatever
JackG.:::: don't be an ass Shawn
Jack:::: yeah she was being nice she had to say it twice she was trying to make out life's easier by telling us so we're not confused calm down
Skylar:::: don't tell him what to do
Matt:::: Skylar shut up
Carter:::: don't tell skylar what to do
Taylor:::: everyone stop
Aaron:::: shit the hell up
Shawn:::: sorry
Nash:::: sorry Ames
Taylor:::: sorry girls
Aaron:::: sorry boos *shawn Cameron Nash Matt and Carter growl**
Jack:::: sorry sweetheart **shawn Cameron Nash Matt and Carter growl**
Jack:::: sorry girly girls
Taylor:::: sorry
Matt:::: sorry skylar
Carter:::: and Matt means sorry amber also and I am sorry both of you
Skylar:::: sorry amber
Amber:::: sorry Skylar
Cameron:::: there now everyone shut up

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