Talking (Book 2)

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"yeah your mom told us yopu wanted to go to hawaii since you were a kid and she said dont worry and to have fun not to worry everything will work out and she loves you" matt says and i look over at him and give him a fake weak smile .... i dont know what has happened i just dont feel the bond i felt when i was with mky friends before its like since i met my new group of friends ikm not friends with my other group of friends anymore and that bothers me because they were my squad and i love them atleast i think i love them i mean when i think about it even skylar and i are barely friends at times we get into fights all the time and i dont know why we used to be unseprable it used to be like we would never let eachother go .... and by that i mean we used to be on oovoo all day everyday talking to eachother like even when i was dating ryan we made sure to spend time together because we knew we would always be friends .... i miss matt being my best friend and dating ryan i miss the way our group was dont get me wrong i love my new group i just miss some of the old things my other group had that this group doesnt .... "amber are you aware you said that all out loud" matt asks me .... i look over to m,at and carter and they nod

"im sorry guys im tired i dont mean i dont love you also i just mean i miss some of thoes things like the collier squad before i met you guys and dont get me wrong i love you guys but i dont know i feel like it all happened so fast and out of no where also i feel like if i had mopre time to think about what has happened and not have had it all happen in such a short amount of time i would have been able to think about it more and get used to it and all of that you know like out of no where im with shawn then im dating cameron then im pregnant then sky has her kids then shawn turns 17 then cameron turns 21 i mean its alot to take in all at once and thqats what happened i dont know if skylar i dont know if you feel the same but i love you all and im worried about hayes shawn jacob and i going to school because the rest of you either are to old or just dont go to school but i mean i dont know what will happen if shawn jacob and hayes come to collier and i dont want them to go to public school with out me and i know that sounds bad but what i mean is i dont want all the fans there without me to be there and show them around and all of that buit they cant come to collier withoput certion things wrong with them and i dont mean there are things wrong with matt ryan and i i just mean that they have to have a mental thing and i know that sounds bacd but or you know what as an example i have adhd and odd and add and ocd and all these things and this is why i am here or there and i mean i love kit there but there are alot opf magcon fans there and i want to go to school with them but i also want to go to school with my other friends we are going into 10th and kialah 9th grade i mean hayes and kialah are going into 9th and shawn is going into 12th and jacob is going into 9th i mean all four of us wil;l be in well not the same grades and im scared that will; cause a prob and what if we dont get the same lunch i mean come on a lot could go wrong at collier and if they cant go to collier i still want to go to school with them and there are reasons i dont go to public school i mean some of thoes probs will have been solved but the adhd and add and ocd and odd and all of that isnt and i get bullied and i know if i was going to school with hayes jacob and shawn they would stick up for me buit i am still scared you know" i say and at this point i am crying

"awe amber we l;ove you whatever you diside you will always be part of squad you will always be the second leader and you will always be my first love my first kiss and we all love you even vivian and kialah i mean they might not show it but if they found out yopu were leaving then they woould cry and you might no beleive me but i mean it and ava and michelle would also cry but you know they love you and m,att and i would cry our eyes out because we might not be your best friends but you are out best friends we would be at your house everyday we would miss you to much i mean come on dont lave us we dont want yopu to lave us we would al;l be heart broken and about sky being mean to yopu she didnt mean to be she was pregnant and moody i mean you were moody from what i saw and just pleave dont leave collier i would cry i wpould miss you so much please dont leave me" ryan says and i start to cry

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