Chapter 10: The Road To Victory

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We all made it pretty far, hyped up on adrenaline. Then we slowed down to a jog going through the city. Kura kept encouraging everyone. And Kaede tried as hard as he could to keep going. He refused to give up. We slowed down our pace to run with him. Eventually we made it to Kura's house. It was an apartment complex. We were all exhausted and sweaty and out of breath. Kura looked at us all hunched over or sprawled out on the ground. He smiles at us.

"I'm so proud of you guys. You did really good today. And good job Kaede, you jogged the whole way and actually ran full speed for a pretty good distance." Kura tells us.

Kaede looks up from the ground.

"Ugggh... Yeah.. cause. *Cough* I was.... Mad... At Kaen." Kaede said wheezing.

"Well come on guys. You can come in to my house and cool off for a bit." Kura suggests.

"Oh yeah, definitely." Yuko says jumping up to her feet.

Kura holds his hand out to me. I grab his hand and he pulls me up to my feet. Kaede struggles to get up. Kura leads the way to his apartment. He opens the door for us. The lights were off, Kura turns them on. Then a big dog comes waddling over, wagging his tail. He comes up to me, sniffing my hands.

"Oh hi buddy." I say as I pet him.

"Yeah that's Hudson. He's a good boy." Kura tells us.

He looked like a shar pei mix.

"Oh yeah, I finally get to meet you. Who's a good boy, yeah? You big ol sausage." I say, scratching his back and rubbing his face around.

"Well make yourselves at home. Let me know if you need water or whatever." Kura says.

Kaede walks over and passes out on the couch. Yuko walks over to Kura.

"Oh yeah the other day. You said something about your dad right? When we were talking about a sleepover." I say as I walk over and sit in front of the A.C.

Hudson follows me.

"Yeah. It's just me and my dad that live here. He's at work at the moment." Kura tells us.

Yuko opens the fridge and grabs some water. She looks over at Kura.

"Oh. Do you mind me asking about your mom?" Yuko asks.

"No it's fine. She died awhile ago, but it's okay now." Kura says.

"Aw. I'm sorry for your loss." Yuko says looking sad. She goes over to the couch and sits down. Plopping down on Kaede's legs.

Kaede protests.

"Ghuh-Get off me. You're heavy." Kaede growls.

"Oh I'm sorry, there's no where else to sit and you were taking up the whole couch." Yuko says. Then she pushes him off.

"Hey, I was trying to sleep!" Kaede says getting angry.

He jumps back up on the couch. He tries to push Yuko off.

"Hah! You're no match for me!" Yuko says laughing.

"Come on guys, you can both share the couch." Kura explains.

"Yeah you better knock it off before something breaks or someone gets hurt." I tell them.

They start pushing each other back and forth.

"I was here first and she started it!" Kaede protests.

"No, you need to share!" Yuko yells.

They both keep wrestling but then Kaede accidentally bumps the water out of Yuko's hand. It spills over both of them and on the couch. They both freeze and stop fighting. I facepalm. Kura sighs.

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