A couple days have gone by since that incident happened in the hallway. I found out that the red haired boy was also in my class, and that his name was Kaminari Kaen. I glared at him every time that he walks by. He hasn't done anything again. Probably too scared. I haven't been able to muster up the courage to talk to the emo boy yet, we kinda just nod or wave if we make eye contact. Classes were normal for the rest of the week. Then Sunday came around. We were having an open house that day to try and enroll more people in the classes, my parents volunteered to help out.
I got dressed in a really cute white sweater with a purple plad dress over the top. The music place was fairly small, since it was newer. My mom and I were on stage, getting everything ready. She was the main singer. My dad was greeting everyone as they entered and sat down. They were all talking together. I looked around nervously. It was just all elderly people who were probably just bored and wanted to hear music. Some young couples that had kids with them hopefully to sign them up to start learning classes, no one around my age.
My mom looked at me and smirked, she must have seen my face and saw how nervous I was."Is the person that you invited here yet?" My mom asks looking around.
"No, I don't see him yet." I say placing my hands on the keyboard.
"Oh hoho, so it's a boy! What dose he look like? Is he cute?" My mom says walking over by me.
"Wha?! Mom, don't say that so loud. I don't know..." I say getting embaresed.
She squishes my face. "Well, I hope he shows up."
"Mhmmmmm." I grumble.
I look around at a couple more people, spacing out waiting for the program to begin. But then I see him walk in. A big smile shows up on my face. He looks around then sees me and waves with a smile on his face. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt with a green flannel tied around his waist. He had a grey beanie on and black ripped jeans. And then I see my dad making a B-line directly towards him.
"Oh no..." I groan.
"Haha ha. Oh he has him now, he looks cute sweetie!" My mom exclaims.
"Shuuush!" I get embarrassed again.
"Mom please, we're not even friends yet, we're just classmates." I tell her.
My dad gives him a pat on the back and starts laughing. I see that the boy also chuckles a bit. Then my dad walks away after greeting him and goes towards the stage. The boy sits down off to the side.
"Okay, it's time to start." My dad says coming up on the stage.
My mom takes her place.
"Right." I place my fingers on the keyboard and start to play.
Trying not to get nervous or embarrassed, I play as best as I can, and try to sing a little quieter. I glanced a couple times at where he was sitting, he was sitting with his hands in his pockets, not singing but he was bobbing his head along to the music.We finish playing and my mom and I sit down in the front seats. My dad came up and talked about the music program and how good the classes were and what the teachers were able to teach and what kind of instruments they had. Then the owner came up into the stage and talked about the different prices they could offer and the length of the classes and what days the different teachers taught. Everyone gets up and either leaves or stands around and talk with eachother. I get up looking around for him, but I don't see him.
Aw man come on! I was going to be brave and go talk to him. At least let me know your name already!
I turn back around to my mom, sad.
"Hey, that music was amazing, you play pretty good." A voice says.
I jump back startled.
It was him.

The Magical Girl Misu Batafurai
RomansaAkari is a normal high school student who lives in Japan. It's hard for her to make friends at a new school, until she meets this boy, his name is Kurayami. He looks like a delinquent, but doesn't act like it. Things are looking up in her life, unti...