Yes or No

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Today is Monday and the only good thing coming out of that is seeing Max. I get ready and put on my cross shirt with black skinny jeans and ankle length converse. Before I go down stairs I grab Me and Max's project. I run down the stairs and quickly eat breakfast and dart out the door. When I make it too school I push my way through the crowded hallways and finally make it to my locker. I open it up and throw my stuff in it and take my chemistry things out. I head down to my first period class. When I walk into the classroom I see Max sitting at his seat fiddling with his phone. "Hey" I say and sit down next to him. "Hey" he says back and puts his phone into his back pocket. "You have the project right?" He asks "yup it's right here" I reply and hand him the poster. "Hopefully we get an A+ on this because I really want to learn that song you played for me yesterday" I say and smile at the memory of yesterday. "I like your smile" Max says "i like yours too, but it's to bad I'm not talented enough to write a song about it" "yes yo do you just didn't find your Inspiration yet" he reassures me and smiles. After he says this the bell rings and mrs.Brooks says, "everyone put your projects on my desk and finish the do now that is on the board" I got up and handed in the project. When I come back Max had already started the do now. "Started without me?" I tease "well not really" he says and hands me a folded up piece of paper. I open it up and it says:

Will you go out with me?

Yes or No

After I circle my answer I hand the paper back to him. His face fills with joy when he reads the circled answer


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