Chapter 11: Lothlorien

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We run over the rocks and streams down the mountainside until we can't any longer, the Hobbits tiring and slowing their steps to a walk.

Aragorn charges on, splashing through the stream at the end of the rocky path and towards the looming woods ahead of us.


Many times have I been to the home of my mother's kin—my kin—and now for the second time, I go with my heart full of grief for a dear one lost.

We journey down the mountain as fast as we can, and once we approach the grass plain before the woods, we run again, run to the safety they will provide. Once we pass the first few trees of the forest, my breathing comes easier, and I stop, resting my palm and forehead against a nearby trunk.

When I move, I stay silent as we walk along the mossy path, the sun shining down through the trees. How can a sight so beautiful follow one as soul destroying as what we just witnessed?

Aragorn looks back to me and I nod, following him through the trees. He does not know the way, but I don't doubt we will be greeted before we even get close to our destination. If Orcs patrol the hills, Elves will patrol the woods.

"Stay close young Hobbits!" Gimli whispers to them. "They say that a great Sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf-witch...of terrible power."

I turn to him and glare, but he looks around him, oblivious to me.

"All who look upon her," he continues, "fall under her spell...and are never seen again."

Turning forward again, I slow my steps to walk close to Legolas. I'm not sure why, but it brings me comfort.

Well, I think I may know why...

"Well, here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily."

Legolas sighs and my lips curl into a small smile.

"I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox."

We suddenly stop, arrows now pointing at us from every direction. Legolas moves instantly, his bow aimed and an arrow of his own pulled back. He has three trained on him.

I turn my head slowly, looking at the Elf who holds an arrow to my head. He falters upon seeing me, but keeps it raised.

"The Dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark."

My breath hitches in my throat at that voice, an Elf stepping forward around his soldiers. I raise my hand and lower Legolas' bow, he turns to me, watching me with a frown as I walk past him.

"Haldir," I greet, stopping beside Aragorn to look at my old friend.

His hair is long and white, and his face as handsome as it has always been.

I expect after what we have just been through...I look a mess in comparison. A lot of my hair has come lose from my braid and my hands are covered in dirt and Orc blood.

"Lady Amariel." He says to me, his eyes boring into mine. He doesn't smile.

Any arrows trained on me fall, yet the others are still targeted.

"Aragorn!" Gimli shouts. "These woods are perilous! We should go back."

"We seek sanctuary in Lorien." I tell Haldir, ignoring Gimli. "Please."

"Your company does not seek sanctuary here." He watches me for a moment before nodding once. "But as night falls, Orcs will soon flood these lands. Come, you are not safe here."

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