1. The Meeting.

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     Wow. Dorm rooms are fucking small. I toured the campus in the spring, but somehow the tiny ass dorms slipped from my memory. My family, who tolerate me at best, dumped me here an hour ago and left me on my own to unpack and decorate. I pick a bed, not caring which one, and start to put my things away. This shouldn't take me long.
I have pictures, sadly a few with Tyler in them. I miss him, and his dick, but things can't always work out. We are a perfect example of things starting out perfect and just trailing off at the end. We are still friends, or at least I tell myself that, but we hardly talk. I'm hoping college gives me a fresh start, and a new dick, to entertain me.
I hear noise in the hallway and begin feeling anxious. I'm scared of who my roommate will be. I'm a little... more open about myself than some people can tolerate. I'd hate to live with a person who hates me.
The door opens and I'm blessed with the first view of my new roommate. Holy shit. He's tall, taller than me by a few inches, with wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He's beautiful, and overwhelming to my average looking self. I don't think I can ever look directly at him. He's like the sun, blinding me.
"Well hello there. You must be my roommate! I'm Gabe." He offers his hand to me and I have to force my brain to respond. "Hi, Gabe. I'm Ethan. Nice to meet you. Looks like we're stuck together for the next nine months!" He smiles at my words and shakes my hand. I notice he's alone, much like I was. "Where's your family?" He looks awkward for a moment.
"Oh, well I have a twin sister who also has to be dropped off somewhere else today. They kind of dumped me off and waved goodbye." He smiles slightly, but I can sense his feelings are hurt. "Oh don't worry, mine did the same. Not because of a sister though, just because they're not sure they like me much."
I can't believe how honest and open I just was. Gabe looks at me confused, but moves on in the conversation. Since most of my things are put away, I offer to help him with his. He agrees and smiles at me and damn, look away. Don't look directly at the sun!
We finally unpack and can hear everyone around us settling in. We discuss the dining situation and agree to head off. We sit, together, at a small table away from everyone else. Gabe seems sincere in wanting to get to know me, but I find myself dreadfully boring compared to him.
"So, what were you like in high school, Ethan?" I hate this question really. I was a knob. "Uhm, the usual. Good grades, but not too good. Joined school activities, but never put much effort in. Spent most of my time alone, writing." He nods along. "Yeah, I can understand that. I got by with sports, so teachers gave me good grades. I run track. Went to state this year." I'm not surprised to find this out. He has a runner's body.
We talk more about school, and our families, sharing a mutual feeling of being unwanted by our families. Mine for far different reasons than him. We eat, and talk, for hours. I've never felt such a connection to someone so easily.
We show each other our schedules, not surprised to find that I, the English major, and him, the Nutrition major, have no similar classes. But we do figure out times we can have lunch together, either here or at student center. We confirm we each have one new friend here.
I am a little more subdued than normal, but still feel I'm being a bit obvious. He must know I'm gay, but he hasn't made any moves to ask me or show he's feeling uncomfortable. I figure out some point I'll come out and say it, hoping it won't affect our budding friendship. We decide to head to bed, eager to start classes tomorrow.
Waking up, I momentarily forget where I am. I'm quickly reminded when I look over to see Gabe in nothing but a towel. God damn, I could stare all day. "Hey dude, sorry if I woke you." He's so sweet as well as beautiful. "Naw, it's cool. I need to get up anyways." He nods at me and turns to get dressed. I move my eyes from him, but not before catching a glimpse of his perfect ass.
The day goes much as to be expected. Professor and a syllabus. Professor and a syllabus. I go to my classes and manage to not get lost. I hurry back to the dorm, craving time with my only friend. I come in, surprised at what I see. "Hey dude. I got pizza. Wanna hang out?" Gabe, you beautiful boy. "Sure. Sounds perfect." He smiles at me. It almost knocks me off my feet. I need to tell him my secret. Tonight is the perfect time.

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