15. The Outcome.

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The first thing I realize when I wake up is that I'm too warm and it is snowing outside. The reason for my warmth pulls me to him, nuzzling into my neck. "Merry Christmas, baby." I turn in his arms, wrapping mine around him. "Merry Christmas." I kiss him softly, cuddling closer to him.
Christmas break with his family has been better than I ever could have imagined. His twin, Gabby, is the sweetest person and has made me feel more than welcome. So have his parents, surprisingly open minded about the whole situation, even allowing us to share his room while I'm here.
I feel Gabe brush against me, his dick hard first thing in the morning. "Christmas fuck?" He looks at me, sparks in his eyes. I push against him, pulling him to me to kiss his mouth. I move myself to pull off my boxers as he pulls his down. "Ethan, I have a weird question for you." I'm a little nervous. "Uh, okay?" He smiles, kissing me again. "Can I fuck you without a condom?" He sucks my neck, making me moan. I nod quickly, moving myself to sink down onto him, nothing between us. "Holy fuck, Ethan. This feels so fucking good. I think I'm going to die."
I giggle, leaning down to kiss his mouth. I hold myself down on him, savoring the feel of him raw in my ass. He holds my waist, moving me slowly. He gasps, kissing me, pulling away to mutter about how good I feel. He always makes sure I know how good he feels inside me.
Gabe makes slow, lazy love to me while it snows outside. He never speeds up, simply moves me up, thrusting up into me. I put my hands on the pillow under his head to hold me. He turns his head to kiss my wrist, still thrusting up to meet me when I move down. "Gabe, baby. This feels so fucking good. I love you." He freezes for a moment, before pulling me to him. He wraps his arms around me, tightly, and begins thrusting at a much quicker pace. "Say it again," he growls into my ear. "Fuck, Gabe. I love you." He bites my ear harshly, whispering "I love you too."
His words and pounding of my ass makes me come, it pools on his stomach between us. It isn't long before I feel him tense, swelling inside me before I feel the heat of his release shoot into me. "Fuck, baby. Can I stay in your ass forever?" I laugh, kissing him. He holds me to him, softening inside me.
I move to lay next to him, nuzzling into his neck, my arm and leg thrown over him. "Did you mean what you said?" He looks at me nervously. "Of course I did. How could I not?" He smiles, rolling me onto my back. I feel him hard again, and he separates my legs pushing into me again. "I meant it too," he says pulling out then pushing back in. "I love you, Ethan. Loved you for a long time." He then makes quick love to me, grunting and dripping sweat onto my tummy.
I pull his ass to me, begging him deeper into me. "Fuck me baby. Show me how much you love me." He moans at my words, hitching my legs over his elbows. He builds a quick, strong pace, hitting the best spot inside me. "Fuck Gabe. I'm going to come again." He hits my spot once more and I come all over us. He leans down, face to face, and kisses me, tensing and once again comes inside of me. I can feel it pooling.
He pulls out, laying on top of me, kissing and sucking on my neck. "I can't believe you're here. I can't believe you like me." He mumbles this into my neck. "I don't like you, Gabe. I love you." He smiles, I can feel it. He kisses me hard, then gets up. "Let's go spend Christmas with our family." He holds his hand out to me and helps me up from bed. He kisses me as we get dressed, in cliche matching pajamas and head down to greet his family. There waiting for us are the stockings, the one with my name filled and hanging next to Gabe's.
He pulls me to sit with him and we all exchange and open presents. I look at him, awed of how far we've come and gone through already. I look around and remember Gabe called them 'our family' and I can only hope to have more Christmases like this, Christmas like this forever would be perfect.

The End.

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