10. The Jealousy.

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     Before I have time to react, Gabe grabs me and pulls me off of James, who looks utterly shocked. "What the fuck is this?" Okay, safe to say, Gabe is pissed.
     "What are you talking about? Why are you acting like this?" comes from me while "who the fuck are you?" comes from James. "I'm his roommate and boyfriend, fuck face. Get lost." What the fuck is happening. "Gabe stop. You're not my boyfriend. He's not my boyfriend." I aim the last part to James who looks angry and confused and embarrassed that this is happening, especially while his dick is out. Gabe is pacing, keeping me caged behind him and away from James. "You have ten seconds to leave before I throw you outside half naked."
     I look to James and say sorry, but he ignores it, standing to pull his pants up. He grabs his things and goes quickly. I never though Gabe was scary, until now. But now, I'm livid and ready to fight. I shove him away, "what the hell was that Gabe? What were you thinking?" He's mad too but I don't care.
     "You said you had a date! I didn't think that meant sucking some stranger's cock!" What? "Why does that even matter? It's none of your business anymore!" He stops, turning to me and looks defeated. "I know I fucked up. But seeing you like that with someone who wasn't me just... I get what you meant before. About not being what I wanted. I get that feeling now. I'm more sorry than ever." He's quiet and calming down.
     I don't know how to react, having never experienced that in my whole life. "Gabe, you can't keep doing this to me. I'm confused! You ignored me so I tried to move on!" He looks up and catches what I said. "Tried? So you haven't yet? You haven't moved on?" I made a mistake even talking to him but I can't let it go now.
     "Tried is the correct word. With James tonight," Gabe cringes, "I kept comparing him to you. How different you felt or smelled or said things. But I can't have you so I tried to move on." He looks at me sadly, "but you can have me." He is a mess.
     "How? You ignore me. You fuck me, spectacularly I might add, then ignore me. I don't know what way is up with you. I can't do this anymore. I won't do this anymore." He seems to understand me. "One more chance, please? I can't ever see what I saw tonight again. It took everything in me not to beat that kid." I go to him and grab his face. "Gabe, you can't keep this up. Do you want me?" He smiles a bit and leans into my hand. "You know I do." But that's the problem, I didn't know.
     "I don't know anything when you treat me like I don't exist, Gabe." He kisses me then, making it clear what he wants and waits for me to kiss him back. He doesn't wait long. He moans at my kiss, pulling me closer to deepen it before dropping to his knees. "What are you doing?"
     He looks up at me, making the moves to drag down my pants and boxers. "I'm showing you I want you." He pulls me out of my pants and licks my balls while gripping me tightly. "Fuck, Gabe." He then sucks me entirely into his mouth, holding me there while a hand plays with my balls. I grab his head, pulling him back before thrusting myself into his mouth. "Gabe. Why are you doing this?"
He pulls away only slightly, "I told you. You have to know what I want." He goes back to sucking my dick and it seems he's much more confident than before. I want him inside of me but won't ask him. I have to wait for him to make the moves.
I feel his hand exploring my body, then a finger finds my hole. He sucks me deep into his mouth while his finger pushes into me. He crooks his finger, grazing the spot that will mark me explode. "Fuck Gabe. Just like that. I'm going to come." He bobs his head faster, matching that rhythm with his finger and soon I'm coming. I hold him to me, coming down his throat while rubbing soft circles into his jaw.
Once he swallows, he pushes me onto his bed and crawls up with me. I move to return it but he stops me. "Don't. Tonight wasn't about me. It's always been about me and you don't deserve that." I smile and he pulls me in to kiss him. I snuggle into him, sucking lightly and kissing the skin of his neck. "I'm sorry for earlier baby. I just lost it. I wanted to kill him."
I'm not entirely comfortable with what happened earlier, but I don't want to risk him withdrawing again. "I'm sorry too. I didn't want you to see that. I thought you would be gone." He nods, pulling a blanket over us. "I was at a party, but I couldn't keep my mind off of you. I came home to wait up for you."
The thought that he was coming home for me warms me a bit and makes me smile into his neck. He kisses me softly on the temple and snuggles into me. We drift off to sleep and hopefully he'll still be here in the morning.

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