11. The Compromise.

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*Ethan texts will be in italics. And Gabe texts will be in bold.*

When I wake, I'm shocked that I'm alone. I thought we were over this. But again, there's a note. This time is a little more informative. "Babe- had to run for team stuff. I'll be back. Then I want to talk to you. And fuck you, if you'll let me (; see you soon. Text me when you're up." Well he's feeling frisky this morning.
I'm up and got your note, you sex fiend.
You make me that way. Be home soon. Want anything from caf?
He's being so sweet, I'm almost scared.
A parfait or something would be nice. I'm starved.
You got it babe. See you soon.
I feel like I'm in an alternate universe and I've almost forgot about last night. I text James to tell him I'm sorry, again. And he asks how it was I said we don't talk, yet that happened. I explained that things had happened then thing we're weird. It's all I could do. He said he understood, and forgave me, and would see me in class on Tuesday.
Before I can even get out of bed, Gabe comes in, handing me the parfait. He also kisses my forehead. It's like we're a couple or something. I pull him back in, kissing his mouth which makes him smile.
I eat my parfait while he sits in the chair next to the bed, eating some sort of breakfast egg sandwich. I don't make an effort to talk, even though his note said he wanted to talk. I've learned to let Gabe come to me. Always seems to work better that way.
"So," oh, here we go, "you got my note about talking, yeah?" I smile at him, my little dumbass. "Obviously, I told you I did." He blushes at me, he's nervous. "Well, I have something to propose to you. I have questions and I'm going to drive you crazy here for a minute. But it's how I'm thinking and feeling and want you to understand. Okay?" He's taking this more seriously than I expected.
"Okay, Gabe. I'm listening. Say whatever you need to." He smiles at me, looking honest and open, more so than any other time with me. "Okay, I know I behaved like a caveman last night. I know it was wrong, but the more I thought about it, I'm not sorry." I know I look confused but he keeps going. "I'm not sorry because I stopped something that would have taken you from me."
"Gabe, you took yourself away from me! I was trying to do what I thought was best." He sighs, "yeah I know. But here's the thing. I didn't know what to do because I wanted you. More than I've ever wanted anyone before." I smile at him and he returns it. "But, I'm not sure I'm ready to do the boyfriend thing, even though I blurted it out last night," he blushes. "But this is my proposition. Can we like... Try? Be together and with nobody else?"
I'm a little disappointed, but I know it's taking a lot for him to say these things to me. "So, you want to fuck in secret? Or what?" He looks offended. "No! I want to do dates and cuddling and kissing and yes, fucking," he winks, "but I'm just not ready for this is my boyfriend, everyone look at me, I'm gay!" I smile, I know what means. I don't say anything though. I show him my response instead.
I climb into his lap, moving his things out of the way, and kiss him, slipping my tongue between his lips. He moans, grabbing me and pulling me closer to him. "Is that an okay?" I nod, kissing him again, reaching down to grope him. "Fuck me into agreement?" He laughs but moves to pull our pants off. I reach for a condom, slipping it onto him when I'm able. He leans in the chair, sliding his ass towards the front, giving me more room to work with. I lube him and myself, then make the move to slide down on top of him.
"Oh fuck, baby. You feel so good." He pulls me in, sucking at the skin where my jaw meets my neck. "I've never felt anything better." He keeps sucking, marking me I'm sure. I feel way too good to care.
I grasp the back of the chair behind Gabe's shoulder and move myself slowly up and down. I rock on him, finding friction for my spot that makes me see stars. "Oh fuck, Gabe. You feel so good." He kisses me, grabbing my waist to move me. He keeps it slow, slipping his tongue into my mouth while rocking me on top of him. I feel him tensing, trying to hold off on coming. "You need to come baby?" He looks at me, lustful eyes hooded, and nods. I grab my own cock and make a quicker pace on his. I bounce quickly, and he thrusts up to meet me. "Oh fuck, Gabe. Let's come together, yeah?" He thrusts a few more times. "I'm going to come baby, come with me. Come on my chest." A few more strokes and the feel of him swelling in my ass sends my come shooting onto him.
Panting, Gabe pulls me to him and kisses me sweetly. "Please don't be with anyone else." I kiss him, sucking lightly on his lips. "There's no room for anyone else, Gabe. I'm full of you." He winks at my naughty innuendo and kisses me again. He then pulls me to bed and shows me again just how much he wants me.

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