7. The Blanket Part 2.

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     The first thing I think is "fuck, this hurts." The second thing I think is "why the fuck did I agree to this?" The third thing I think is "oh fuck, this is going to be good." Gabe goes slow, rubbing his hands along my waist. "Breathe, Ethan. I got you." I let out my breathe and Gabe pushes himself completely into my ass.
     "Ohhhh fuck, baby. This ass feels so good. So tight for me." His words make my dick leak, but I just moan at him. "Wait a second please, I have to get used to this. Biggest dick ever, I think." He laughs at my words, nuzzling in and leaving kisses to my neck and jaw. "I will baby. Tell me when you're ready."
     His words and grasping of my hips help me get comfortable, and I push back into him letting him know I'm ready. "I'm ready, but still go slow please." He sighs, moving out then back in. "I will, Ethan. We have all night."
     He slowly pulls out, almost all the way. His grip tightens on my waist as he pushes back in, angling his hips to hit my pleasure spot. "Oh fuck, Gabe. Do that again." He does. Over and over, slowly. I turn my head slightly to kiss him, reaching to grab his ass, pulling him into me. He picks up his speed slightly, grabbing my leg and moving it closer to my chest. "Ethan, I've never felt anything like this. Holy shit. Your ass is perfect. I could live in here." I giggle, kissing him again. But I want something different now. "Gabe, baby?" He grunts, pulling out to push back in. "Can I ride you?" He stops, kisses me deeply, then moves to lay on his back. I move the blanket, sitting atop him, pulling the blanket up over my back.
     "Go as slow as you need to. I have no problem with you taking your time in riding my cock, baby." I lean into him, hands on his chest, while he holds his cock to line us up. I slowly drop, taking him in inch by inch until I'm sitting fully on his cock. "Baby, you feel so good. My ass has never felt this good." He smiles, pulling me down to lay on his chest. The blanket covers us as I start to move, my dick between us getting friction from our stomachs.
     He moans, holding my hips and encouraging me to ride him. I lean up, kissing him once, before sitting upright and bouncing on him. I lean back, hands on his thighs when he reaches and grabs my dick with one hand. He starts stroking me, matching the rhythm of my ass with his hand. It isn't long before I shoot my load on his chest, to which he moans and smiles at me. "Can you go faster, Ethan? I want you to fuck me like you mean it." I moan at his words, grunting a response before bouncing hard up and down. "Fuck, just like that." He returns his hands to my waist, pulling me down as he thrusts up, meeting me each thrust. "Fuck, Gabe. Fuck me harder. Feels so good."
     He listens, thrusting roughly up into my ass, pounding me. He mutters "fucks" and "yes" and "oh my god" but keeps thrusting. I move, laying onto his chest, kissing his neck while he wraps his arms around me. I lay still as he thrusts powerfully in and out of my ass, reaching to smack me with one hand. "Ethan, baby, I'm going to come soon." I don't want this to end, but I know he's close. I can tell. "Want to come in my mouth?" He stops moving, "oh fuck yes I do," and moves me off of him.
     I slide down him, pulling the condom from him and sliding my mouth as far down as possible. I grab the rest with my hand, squeezing him. "Fuck Ethan. Yes, I'm going to come." I keep sucking, holding him in my throat, swallowing him. He mumbles a few more times before shooting his hot load down my throat. He's stiff below me, holding onto my head, coming harder than ever before.
     When he's done, I pull him from me, kiss the tip then move to get off of him. He grabs me, pulling me down on top of him and kissing all over my face. "That was fucking amazing, baby. I've never felt anything like that." I don't know what to say. I kiss him, slipping my tongue in his mouth so he can taste himself. "You felt amazing too, Gabe." He smiles, eyes falling shut slightly. "Can I sleep here with you, Ethan? I don't think I can move." I nod, snuggling into his chest. 
     It isn't long before his breathing evens out and he's asleep. I'm drowsy, properly fucked, and feel myself drifting off. I know things have changed, but I don't know how much. I'll know soon though, because everything is different in the morning.

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