5. The Random Girl.

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*Ethan texts will be in italics. And Gabe texts will be in bold.*

In the three weeks since Gabe so graciously sucked my dick, there has been less interaction between the two of us. Things carried on for awhile until one time, with Gabe's cock in my mouth I finally called him baby and he didn't seem to like it. I felt him tense, finish, then make an excuse to run out of the room. I was asleep before he ever came home.
We don't talk much either, anymore. Minus when one of is naked from the waist down, there's no mention of whatever it is we're doing. It's annoying but I refuse to say anything.
I'm alone, once again, in our little dorm room. It's well past midnight so I have the lights off, begging my brain to shut off so I can sleep. I hear a noise at the door, but instead of making it obvious I'm awake, I turn to the wall to fake sleep.
"Okay, you have to be quiet, my roommate is probably asleep." Who the fuck is he talking to? It's then I hear a giggle, a very feminine giggle. "Okay, shhh. But I can't promise to stay quiet once your giant dick is inside me." The slut (I'm saying that with no proof, really) says and I think I'm going to be sick. I shuffle slightly, so I'm facing them, keeping my eyes mostly closed so they're unaware I'm awake.
I see Gabe lead her to his bed before dropping down and putting his head under her short skirt. I can tell by the sounds she's making he's using his mouth, the one I trained, damn it, on her and her lady bits. Ew. It's obvious when that part is over when she purrs like a fucking cat. I'm disgusted.
I see them shift, and Gabe pulling his pants down, an invitation to suck his dick. My mouth waters, it's like Pavlov's dogs, I have no control. She drops to her knees, taking his hard, not as hard as when he's with me, cock in her hands. I watch as she sucks him, him making hardly any noise. I can't decide if I feel it's because he's respecting that I'm asleep or if it just doesn't feel that good. I hear her moan to him, things I would say to him, ask him if it felt good. Normally vocal Gabe was quiet, only grunting, not using his words. I make a noise, a very quiet one, and Gabe moves to look at me.
I know he sees me, knows I'm seeing him, but that seems to encourage him. He grabs the girls head, pulling her roughly onto him and fucking himself into her mouth. He never breaks eye contact with me, muttering how good it felt and how he loved fucking her mouth. I want to scream, or cry, or puke. I don't know which. I see him tense, knowing he's close to coming. He again makes eye contact with me and comes, making the girl swallow his load while I watch.
A tear slips from my eyes before I can stop it, and Gabe sees as I reach to wipe it away. He softens to me, frowning, completely ignoring the girl on her knees. She paws at him, begging to fuck. Gabe pulls her up, thanks her for the fun and sends her on her way. I'm shocked.
"I'm sorry," he whispers as I turn my back to him. I don't answer. I can't answer. "I am so sorry, Ethan. Please. Turn around." I don't. I can't. I hear him sigh and climb into bed, while I lay awake, crying.
To say things have been weird would be an understatement. I spend all of my time elsewhere, only coming home to sleep and shower. Gabe tries to talk to me but I ignore him. Tonight though, I have nowhere else to go. I figure he's out, so I head home, only to find him there. He's sitting in the quiet, reading. He looks sad but I don't bother asking why.
He looks up to me, "Ethan, hi. How are you?" I just shrug and move to my side of the room. "Are you ever going to talk to me? I said I was sorry." I don't know what to do. "Okay," is all I say. I gather my things to head to the shower but am stopped when he grabs my arm. I pull away sharply, and his face looks like I've slapped him. "Ethan, please. I'm begging here. Talk to me. Yell at me. Hit me if you want, but please stop ignoring me." I just stare at him. I have so much I want to say, but I can't. So I tell him.
"I can't." Gabe looks like he's going to cry which makes me sad. But then I tell myself he did this, and I shouldn't feel bad for feeling how I feel. "I said I'm sorry. I really am. I don't know what I was thinking. I was confused, didn't know why I felt like I do, but I don't care anymore. I'm not confused. I know, now. Please Ethan. Give me another chance. Please."
I hear his words and know somewhere in there is a muddled admittance of his, whatever it is, for me. But it's not enough. "I look at you Gabe, and see that scene. You throwing the fact that I'm not really what you want in my face. Please just let me go." He frowns, turning away. "But you are what I want." It's quiet and I don't think he means me to hear it. I do, though, but ignore and continue out the door and away from him.

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