8. The Cold Shoulder.

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*Ethan texts will be in italics. And Gabe texts will be in bold.*

Waking up, I notice I'm alone and there's something scratchy by my head. "Be back later" is all the note says, but I can guess what's really going on. He's freaked out. He fucked me, then freaked out. I was, shockingly so, very calm. Too calm, I think.
I go about my life, my usual Sunday routine of breakfast, shower, study, dinner, with no sign of Gabe. He's been gone since before I woke at 10 am which is very unlike Gabe.
It's well past 8 at night when I hear the door opening and look up to see Gabe. "Hey, Gabe. Where you been?" He just looks at me and looks away. What the fuck is going on? "Hey did you hear me? I asked you something?" Again, I get nothing. I know what this is.
"Ohhhh, I get it. You can fuck me in the dark, but not talk to me again. I get it." I'm hurt but I don't let him know that. "I'm going to stay somewhere tonight I'll see you later." And with that, he's gone. I don't bother texting him or trying again. I figure he'll come to me.
It's been two weeks and I've gotten nothing yet. But I'm hopeful he'll come around.
You home?
He probably wants to know so he can avoid me.
Well that's weird. Gabe comes barreling through the door, eyes searching for me. He grabs me and moves to kiss me. I don't let him. "Uhm fuck you, thanks. Let me go." He looks a bit taken aback. "What?" He must have lost his damn mind. "I said Let. Me. Go." I must sound enough angry because he listens, and steps back. He still looks confused, but he can't honestly not understand. "You don't get to ignore me for weeks then come in here and have your way with me. Don't fucking think so, Gabe. Get away from me." He frowns and steps away.
"I'm sorry, okay. I made a mistake. I want to kiss you and cuddle you, though. Please let me." I don't want to, my brain doesn't at least. But my heart hurts a little from his sad face, and I'm horny, have been for weeks. "Nope. You don't get to kiss me." He frowns even deeper. But I want him, I can't deny that. "But you can fuck me if you want."
My words shock him, he looks at me, eyes wide. "What? What are you talking about?" I'm about to upset him, but I don't care. "Kissing is for people who care about each other. We don't. We're just horny. So fuck me, or leave me alone." He's sad, I can tell. But he moves me around, pulling my pants down before bending me over my desk chair.
I hear him rummage around, looking for a condom and lube. I stay quiet, almost ashamed of myself for how I'm acting. I hear him roll the condom on and lube himself, then me, before moving to stand behind me. "Are you sure, Ethan? I mean..." I cut him off. "Just shut up and fuck me, Gabe. Okay?" I turn in time to see him frown. "Okay then." I feel him slowly push his way in.
It hurts a little, having been awhile since his huge cock has been in me. But he goes slow, too slow for my liking. "Gabe, fuck me. Don't go so slow." He grunts at me, something about "fuck you" before pulling out and slamming back in. The chair shifts under me, sending us tipping forward. My arms go out to my desk to keep us upright. "Is this what you want, baby?" His words piss me off. "I'm not your fucking baby, Gabe. Shut up." I push back into him, quickly making a pace to show him how I want it.
I yelp when he smacks my ass, gripping me with his other hand to push quickly in and out. "Fine, you want me to fuck you like a whore, I will." With that, he puts both hands on my waist and begins to pound into me. "Fuck yeah, just like that," I say to him. "Shut up," he smacks my ass again. He doesn't let up, pounding in and out, grunting and I feel sweat drip onto my back. I can tell he's close, I am too. I grip my cock and tug once before I come all over my chair.
I feel him pull out and hear the condom drop to the ground. I turn my head slightly to see Gabe, dick in hand, pumping himself to the sight of my hole. "Oh fuck. You wanna be a whore, I'll come on you like one." With that, Gabe comes on my back in a roar.
I quickly move away, heading to the closet for something to clean up with. I'm hurt by how things played out but it's my own fault. I could have had loving and kissing and slow fucks in bed. Instead I made him use me like a cheap ass to fuck and dump. I'm embarrassed.
"I don't know what that all was Ethan. But I am sorry for before." He nods at me when I look at him, but moves to his dresser. He grabs a few items, looks at me sadly, and is gone again. It'll be three days before I even set eyes on Gabe again.

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