9. The Other Guy.

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*Ethan texts will be in italics. And Gabe texts will be in bold.*

     In the couple weeks since I whored myself to Gabe, the ignoring has gone to a whole new level. I don't bother trying to speak to him and he doesn't try to speak to me. We've created a system that although painful, seems to work for us.
     I've been making friends in my classes and have somehow attracted the attention of a boy named James. He seems friendly enough, flirty but not overly so. I eat lunch with him sometimes and that's where I find myself now.
     "So, uh Ethan, I have a question. Would you maybe want to go for dinner sometime? Like somewhere other than campus cafeteria?" I'm a little surprised. But I need a distraction from Gabe, so I quickly agree. He's happy, which makes me happy, and we make plans for this Friday night. I almost hope I get to see Gabe so I can casually mention it. We make plans to meet at the dorm front door at 6:30 Friday night. I'm actually excited.
     I'm getting ready when Gabe comes in the door. He seems surprised to see me actually making an effort to look good. "Where are you going?" I smile slightly, "I have a date." His eyes squint at me and I can tell he's mad. "Oh. We'll have fun. I'm going out." He's playing it cool. "Yeah, I figured. Bye."
     I grab my phone and leave, with Gabe staring at me. I can't help but feel a little accomplished, knowing he's watching me leave for once. It's never been like this.
     James meets me at the door, on time like promised. He has a car, unlike most of us here, and drives us to the movie theater. We agreed on simple, dinner and movie. He holds my hand through the movie and it feels nice. It doesn't feel like what I would expect to feel with Gabe, but it's good.
     We go to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant. The atmosphere is casual and it makes me feel more comfortable. We order, sitting across from each other and make easy conversation. "So, what's your roommate like?" I almost choke on my water. "He's okay, we don't talk much. Keep to ourselves." He nods and agrees, telling me stories of his jock roommate. My mind keeps drifting to Gabe, wondering what he's doing. I'm sure he's off with a girl but I can't be jealous, I'm on a date for fuck's sake.
     Things go well, we eat slowly, enjoying each other's company. I need to get my mind off of Gabe, and knowing he's out, I decide to invite James up to our room. "You want to come up with me?" I ask when we get back to the dorms. "Are you sure?" James is so polite. I grab his hand, pulling him with me. "Yes, I'm sure." He smiles and follows me up.
     I'm pleased and relieved to find our room empty, no Gabe in sight. I turn on the television and tell James to get comfortable on my bed. I take off my jacket, getting more comfortable. I sit near him and he reaches for my hand, entwining our fingers and squeezing a bit. I smile at him. We settle closer to watch the television. It isn't long before I want to make a move. He's nice, he's comfortable with who he is and won't just fuck me and ignore me.
     I move a bit, looking up to James who is looking down at me, lust obvious in his eyes. I lean up, kissing him softly at first, before rearranging myself to kiss him harder. James grabs my head, pulling me in, slipping his tongue into my mouth. We lay, tongues battling each other, my hand slipping up under his shirt, rubbing a soft pattern into his tummy. He's softer than Gabe. Fuck, don't think about him.
James bucks his hips slightly, and I take the invitation. I move to unbuckle his belt, sliding the zipper down. I can feel his slight hard on pushing into my hand. He moans when I grasp him, through his briefs, encouraging me to keep going. He lifts slightly into my hand, reaching down to slide his hands into my pants, squeezing my ass. I feel myself harden against his thigh, so I rub myself against him.
He keeps kissing me, licking into my mouth. I reach into his briefs, pulling slightly so I have unguarded access to his dick. He moans as I wrap my hand around him, squeezing slightly and move to kiss his neck. "What do you want me to do, James?" He blushes a bit, what a sweetie. "I want your mouth, Ethan." Unlike with Gabe, fuck stop thinking about him, I know James will have no problem reciprocating. I move us around, knees on floor, James sitting at edge of bed, and make the move to take him into my mouth. I lick him once before sucking him into my mouth. I make my way down and I'm about to suck a ball into my mouth when the door opens and all hell breaks loose.

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