14. The Invitation.

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*Ethan texts will be in italics. And Gabe texts will be in bold.*

Exams were killing us, limiting the time we have for each other. We squeeze in time for each other, settling with cuddles late at night. I'm at the library, sadly not in me and Gabe's room, when he texts me.
I know you're busy studying, getting your smarts on. But come home. I have something for you. :)
I don't bother with a response, I simply pack up my things and head home to him. The semester ends on Wednesday, and the thought of a month without Gabe makes me almost cry. I see him everyday as it is now.
     I hurry home, eager to find what Gabe has for me. I come in and there are candles and a box in the middle of the room. Gabe turns, setting down food in a picnic on the floor. "Baby, what's all this?" He smiles at me, pulling me into a kiss. "It's a present. Well, a surprise really." He leads me down to eat, ignoring the box on the ground.
     He's gotten my favorite foods from around campus, even going to Starbucks to get me the drink I like. He's the sweetest, I never saw this happening all those months ago. "So, want to know what's in the box?" I nod eagerly, which makes him laugh. He pushes it to me, signaling for me to open it.
     Inside the box is a Christmas stocking with my name on it. I'm completely confused. So I tell him. "Baby, what is this?" He laughs, pulling something else from the box. It's a picture of stockings hanging from a mantle. "That's my house." Okay, I'm more confused. He can tell since he's looking at me so intently. "Our stockings hang there every year. You mentioned before that your family doesn't spend time with you. And another time you said you'll be spending Christmas alone. So I want to bring you home with me." What? "What? What are you talking about?" He smiles, kisses me then explains.
     "When I was home a couple weekends ago, I told my family that I've met someone. They expected a girl. When I told them 'his name is Ethan' they actually didn't seem that shocked." He smiles at me. "I want you to come spend the holiday break with me and my family. What do you say?" I burst into tears.
     "Baby, why are you crying?" he asks as he pulls me into his lap. "I'm happy, Gabe. Nobody has been as good to me as you are." He kisses me sweetly, brushing my tears away. "I wasn't always. But you've always deserved it. You're a better person than me by far." I kiss him, moving myself to straddle him. "Is that a yes, Ethan? If so we leave on Friday." He smiles at me again and I know there's no chance of me saying no. I nod, kissing him again before moving up to pull him to my bed.
     I drop my pants, positioning myself like I did the first time we were together on this same bed. "Make love to me, Gabe." He smiles, moving to take his pants off as well. He grabs a condom and joins me on the bed. He pushes my leg closer to my chest, wiggling his way in behind me. He kisses my shoulder, reaching one hand to entwine our fingers.
     His other hand lines his cock up to me and he gently pushes in. Once he's all the way in, his other hand comes up to cup my face. He thrusts slowly, turning my head to find my lips with his. He kisses me slow, in the same pace as his thrusting. He moves to my ear, "you feel so good, baby. I love fucking you." He kisses my ear, sucking my lobe into his mouth. Normally I would urge him to go faster, but I don't. I like that he's showing me how he feels.
     "Gabe, baby. I've never felt anything like this. You fit so good inside me." He speeds up slightly, moving one hand to grasp my hips. I feel him tensing, and can tell he's trying to hold off his orgasm. "Don't stop Gabe. Please, don't stop." He thrusts hard once, then slows down again. "I won't stop baby, couldn't stop if I tried." And he doesn't. He lasts for hours it feels, whispering how good I feel in my ear.
     An hour later, we're eating the leftovers of our abandoned picnic from before. We're still naked, not bothering to cover ourselves from each other. He gives me details of when we're heading to his house and what kind of things I should expect. "I can't believe I'm bringing my boyfriend home to meet my family." I laugh.
     "I can't believe you made me your boyfriend! Took long enough," I wink, leaning over to kiss him. We decide to watch a movie, cuddled on my little bed. For once, I'm excited for Christmas.

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