4. The Returned Favors.

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*Ethan texts will be in italics. And Gabe texts will be in bold.*

     For the last few weeks, I've been using my expert hands and mouth on Gabe. I spend a lot of time in the shower jacking off, since Gabe hasn't seemed interested in touching me. I'm not sure how to feel about it, but knowing he's severely in the closet, or bicurious at the least, I haven't pushed the issue. I'm walking around campus, thinking, putting off the studying I know I should be doing.
Yoooooo. Where are you? I'm lonely.
     I know what this means. It means he wants his dick sucked, and even though the thought makes me almost salivate, I don't think I can deal with this anymore.
Oh, you mean your dick is lonely right?
     I know I'm being a bit of a bitch, but I can't help it. I've never been good at hiding how I feel so I'm not going to start now.
Ethan. Don't be like that.
     I'm a bit annoyed at this point. He doesn't deny my accusation, just tells me to ignore it, shut down my own thought. Think again buddy.
As much fun as having your dick in my mouth has been, I'm busy.
     I'm embarrassed. I'm acting so stupid and I know that. But he needs to know I'm not his little fuck toy. Well, I could be. If we actually fucked ever.
Well I was going to offer you my mouth but if you have better things to do...
     Wait, what? I decide to call him instead of text. I need to hear his voice to know if he's serious. He answers quickly. "Oh, think that offer still stands do you?" He makes me laugh. "Are you serious? Don't tease me, Gabriel!" He hates when I call him that. "Ugh, not my name! But I'm not teasing. Come home. Please." I can't argue with that.
     It doesn't take me long to get home, but it does take effort to hide the hard on I'm carting around. Just the though of this whole thing made me hard. Gabe is sitting at his desk when I come in, but grabs me and pulls me to stand between his legs.
     "I need to return the favor. I know you've been spending a lot of time in the shower," he winks, "and it's my fault. That's not fair." He pulls my shirt up slightly and kisses under my belly button. "You don't have to do this, Gabe." He looks at me. "Yes I do. If I ever want to fuck your perfect mouth again, I do." I won't argue. He clearly got the message in my texts earlier. I nod when he looks to me for permission.
     I hold my breathe as Gabe undoes the button on my jeans and pulls them to my knees. He gropes at my dick, over my boxers, and I moan at the contact. He wastes no time kissing around my tummy, pulling my boxers down to join my jeans.
     "Okay, I don't know what I'm doing so be patient. I'll do whatever you want me to if it feels good for you." It's endearing to me that he's worried about it feeling good. "Gabe, whatever you do with your mouth will feel good. Just go slow. Do what you think you'd like." He nods, understanding my direction.
     He timidly leans forward, licking the tip a few times while grasping my shaft. It feels good, but I want more. I won't do anything to make him feel like he's doing a mediocre job, though.
I carefully grab his head, moving my hand slightly to direct him. He understands it seems, since he opens his mouth and takes my entire cock into him. "Oh fuck, Gabe. Fuuuuck, that feels good." He pulls back and smiles, going back down with more confidence. He pulls back and forth, sucking when he has me all in his mouth. "Gabe, that feels so good. Keep going, just like that." Thank you, Jesus. He keeps going.
Soon, I'm bucking into his mouth slightly, while his hands reach around to grasp my ass, pulling me into his mouth. He pulls away to say, "feel good baby? Am i doing okay?" I buck into him again, harder this time. "It feels sooooo good. You're doing better than okay. Suck me, Gabe."
It comes to my attention that he likes to call me "babe" or "baby" when we're doing something sexual. And even though I like it, I can't ever seem to return in. My thoughts are pulled back to him when he holds me into his mouth and sucks over and over. "Ohhhh fuck, Gabe. Fuck, I'm going to come." He nods, encouraging me and soon I'm pumping my come into his throat. He swallows with no problem and looks up to me. I lean down and kiss him, "that was amazing. Thank you."
He seems pleased with my praise of him and smiles at me. He then says he needs to go to the gym but says he'll see me when he's home. I feel a little sad, having thought this would further us along. But maybe, random blow jobs in our dorm room is all we'll ever do together.

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