13. The Semester's End.

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*Ethan texts will be in italics. And Gabe texts will be in bold.*

The semester progressed, continuing on much as it had lately. Classes, time with Gabe, cuddling then sleep. I got so used to it that one weekend when he was at home with family, I couldn't sleep. I hated the time alone.
Gabe and I continued to find places to fuck, but our 'relationship' hasn't evolved much past that. I wouldn't say I'm discouraged, but I wish things would move farther along. I'm sitting with Gabe, snuggled in bed when he surprises me.
     "Can I take you out? You know, like a date?" I look at him, just staring. "Baby, did you hear me?" That snaps me out of my stupor. "Yeah, yeah, I heard. Are you sure?" He smiles, leaving in to kiss me. "Yes, Ethan. I'm sure." He kisses me again, slipping his tongue into my mouth. He holds me close to him and tells me about the date he wants to take me on. Tomorrow night, we're going out.
     I'm getting ready as Gabe comes in, wrapped in just a towel, and leans in to kiss me. "You look good, Ethan." He kisses me again then heads to get ready. I'm dressed in something simple, just dark jeans and loafers with a white button down. Gabe finishes dressing, a polo and khakis on. He grabs my hand and drags me down to our date.
     We have to walk, since neither have a car, but we don't walk long until we reach the close Italian restaurant. Gabe is a gentleman, pulling out chairs, paying attention to only me. We talk easily, enjoying each other and the meal. I think about my date with James and am shocked at how different I feel now. I feel complete.
     "So Ethan, I have a question. Don't feel obligated to say yes, okay?" I nod. "Well, a teammate who uh, knows about you and us, is having a party. He invited me, asked me to bring you. I said I'd see. I don't want to pressure you. But I thought we could have fun." I'm surprised and overwhelmed. He wants to not only be out in public, but go to a party together. "If you want to go, Gabe, we can. I don't mind." He smiles, holding my hand across the table. He pays the bill and guides me from the restaurant with a hand on the small of my back.
It's a short walk to his teammate, Sean's, apartment. We walk, holding hands, and make our way up the stairs. I expect him to let my hand drop when we arrive, so I loosen my grip on him. He looks at me and frowns, tightening his hold on me. He leans down, kissing me quickly before opening the door and pulling me into the apartment. There's music and people dancing and I'm actually kind of excited.
I'm pulled into the kitchen, introductions being thrown around. Gabe wraps his arm around my shoulder and directs me to a guy standing before us. "Sean, this is Ethan. He's my... boyfriend. He's my boyfriend." He smiles down at me. "Hi Ethan! So nice to meet you. I've heard about you." I smile, shake his hand and lean into Gabe. We're left alone and I need to ask him something.
"Boyfriend huh?" He smirks at me, kissing me quickly. "Yeah, about that. Is that okay?" I smile, "of course. I'd be honored." He kisses me again, pulling me into the living room to dance. The music is heavy, and I turn to grind myself into Gabe's crotch. He holds my waist, moving his hands slightly to rub against me. He leans in, kissing my neck. "You dancing makes me want to fuck you baby." I push into him harder, turning my head to kiss him. He pulls me flush against him and I feel his cock hard on my ass.
I turn to him and lean in to talk. "Is there a private room somewhere?" He kisses me, slipping his hands to my ass. "Yeah baby, follow me." He leads me upstairs and into a room with minimal furniture. "This is where I slept all those nights..." He doesn't want to talk about it. So we won't. I kiss him, moving to lower my pants. I bend over, stomach against the high bed, ass in the air for him. I turn to see him getting a condom and covering his massive cock.
He comes to stand behind me, spreading my legs a little farther with his feet. "You ready baby? This is going to be quick." He slams into me. "Fuck Gabe. Fuck me baby. Hard." He does as I demanded, slamming into me quickly. He pulls out, all the way, before slamming back into me. He makes me squirm, moan and pant beneath him. "Fuck baby. How does this ass feel so fucking good? I never want to stop." His words make me groan and push into him.
I reach under me, grabbing my cock and stroking me. He encourages me, "yeah, fuck your hand while I fuck you baby." He keeps his pace, his body tensing, telling me he's close. He grabs me, holding me on him and coming into my ass. I groan, stroking once before coming down onto the floor.
He falls onto me, his weight heavy but welcome. He kisses my neck, holding me to him. "You're amazing Ethan. I can't get enough of you." I smile, turning my head to kiss him. We dress, quietly, and he kisses me again before pulling me out to rejoin the party.

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