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Now showing private messages between Terroriser and Fitz

Terroriser: hey cam! just wondering if u had a place to stay when u come in?

Fitz: hey brian

Fitz: you actually just reminded me that i need to look for a hotel-

Fitz: i might just be eating particles for the next three weeks ngl

Terroriser: dw about it dude

Terrrosier: come stay with me

Terroriser: well me and evan

Fitz: what do u mean?????

Terroriser: evan and i started living together a while back

Terroriser: we just didnt tell anyone but evan told craig when they met up so its only a matter of time until people know

Fitz: well i wont say anything

Fitz: are you sure about me staying tho??? i dont want to intrude

Terroriser: you and ev are the exact same yk that

Terroriser: seriously just stay with us and skip the hotel i already talked to evan hes cool

Fitz: hmmm

Fitz: alright im down but lmk if u change ur mind

Terroriser: i wont!

Terroriser: do u mind the couch??? bc im sure me and ev can share his bed and u can have mine if u want

Fitz: why tf would i kick u out of ur own bed??

Terroriser: you havent seen the couch-


Now showing private messages between Terroriser and RoastMasterV2

Terroriser has sent 3 attachments.

Terroriser: we got him

RoastMasterV2: that sounds so sinister wtf

RoastMasterV2: hes not like a pawn or anything

Terroriser: sorry i dont have much experience being evil like you do

Terroriser: but heres hoping our plan works!

RoastMasterV2: even if he sleeps on the couch we're sharing a bed you get that right

RoastMasterV2: its a fool proof plan

RoastMasterV2: not to mention the jet lag hes gonna be experiencing so he WILL be up all hours of the night

Terroriser: genuinely how long did it take you to plan all this all out

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