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Now showing private messages between BryceTimDs and LuKe

BryceTimDs: babe I still think this whole thing is kinda harsh :/ jon hasn't texted us since we left- literally a week ago

BryceTimDs: maybe you didn't see what you think you saw on Jon's phone?

LuKe: no I def saw notifications from Evan on his phone. There were like three how could I forget? also who else would he spend so long texting on the couch that he would forget to go to his room and sleep there instead?

BryceTimDs: it was still kind of harsh, us literally abandoning him like that

LuKe: it's all gonna work out in the end, bryce. Trust me. Besides, aren't you enjoying the trip?

BryceTimDs: yeah but I wish we had decided to not split up lol

BryceTimDs: Anthony keeps saying these horrible jokes I have a newfound respect for Ryan

LuKe: oof sorry babe :( Ryan wanted to go see a movie and afterwards we're gonna grab food and I think he wants to go shopping? Depends if we'll have time before we regroup for dinner

BryceTimDs: see!! We're having fun while Jon is probably miserable at home thinking we hate him and that he's just a depressing mess :(( *gasp* do you think that he thinks that we think he should be over Evan by now? Bc it's been so long and he's been so sad and now we just up and left him :((( Babe this is sad

LuKe: don't worry bryce, he'll be okay. When we get back we can explain everything


Now showing private messages between RoastMasterV2 and SwaggerSouls

RoastMasterV2: status report?

SwaggerSouls: he just left for the airport, you?

RoastMasterV2: we got a few hours before phase 2, but so far everything's going right

SwaggerSouls: sounds good, Ev

SwaggerSouls: cams really worried about you, you know, you should text him

RoastMasterV2: I can't

RoastMasterV2: not until everything's fixed, then maybe I can

SwaggerSouls: you've been so cryptic lately, but I dig it. You're good at it

RoastMasterV2: none of this would work if I wasn't, swags

RoastMasterV2: gtg, my cab's here

RoastMasterV2: text me flight updates?

SwaggerSouls: definitely, Ev, have fun



TIME: 5:42 PM

Evan ruffled his hair, pushing his dark gray hood off his head as he relaxed into the backseat of the cab, his phone tucked between his legs. He leaned his head on the window, Evan watched the surroundings blur as he kind of zoned out, letting his thoughts run wild. His eyes stung from exhaustion, watering slightly because of how dry they felt- he blinked rapidly as his vision got slightly blurry.

The driver took a left turn, making his body press harder into the window for a moment, his backpack falling onto his thigh in the same moment that his phone began to buzz. He looked down, pulling his phone up to his face so he could see who was calling.

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