Kris and Kidnap

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{Published 26December2024}
{Edited 31January2025}

Lamar Kingston//Killa

It felt as if my whole world came crashing down as I parked my car on the driveway. Why the fuck are there blood stains on my lawn? Where are the guards and why are there guns laying around. I checked my watch and saw the time reaching 10pm.

I walked into the house and my heart dropped. No no no no...fuck!!!!

I looked around the living room and it was trashed. Things scattered everywhere, bullet holes in the wall, blood stains in most places of the living room. I spotted two dead bodies with blood beneath them at the fast end of the room..


I sprinted up the stairs and towards my room. I opened the door and she was not there...

She- she's...


I looked around the room and couldn't find her. Shit!

I ran out the room and checked the rest of the house... nothing


I ran back upstairs slid away a small piece of the top layer of the wall to the side to see the keypad. "Hello Lamar." Said the robot. I unlocked the code and the scanner scanned my eye and fingerprint. "Unlocked"

The wall slid to the side and I walked into the ammo safety room. I looked around and saw... nothing. She's not here!?

Fuck. I walked out the ammo safety room and looked out the window. There, I saw someone laying behind the bushes. I ran out and went to the side of the house. I moved the bushes aside and there I saw Kris laying unconscious. He had a small bump at the corner of his head, indicating that someone knocked him out with something.

Poor kid...

"Kris..." No answer.
"Kris..." Nothing again. I tried shaking him awake but nothing happened.

Of course nothing would happen. He's knocked out for crying out loud Killa.

I sighed and lifted up his shirt. I took his two nipples and pinched it real hard.

Bro I think you can wake up now

But nigga didn't. "Here goes nothing." I slapped the life out of this boy and he woke up screaming .

"Aahhhhhhhhh my nipples dayum, ma face." He cried out in pain. I sighed and grabbed him by the shirt. "Where the fuck is Onika." I growled. "They-they took her." He said slightly scared but not really.

"What you mean they!?" I slapped him. "Bro can you chill the fuck out. I know for a fact you pinched my nipples which is god for saken weird and secondly...can you stop slapping me." He whinned. This boy...

"Boy don't fuckin'-"
"Tjay and his goons. It was a silent ambush and kidnap." He said. I pushed him back and I slumped to the ground. I could feel tears building up in my eyes. "I managed to throw a tracker on two of the SUV's. I couldn't get one on Tjay bcaz by the time he was about to go, i knocked out cold." He said as he pulled his shirt down. I didn't say anything.

"Fuck how did I let this happen." I said as I laid my head on my knees. I felt tears run down my face but I quickly wiped. "Chill Ian gon make fun of you for crying." Said Kris. Nigga straight up be giving Ashton vibes. I looked up and sucked my teeth at him. I pulled out my phone and ringed their phones. "It's war now."


"Thatsss why my monitors kept beeping." Said Pooter as he looked at the multiple computers on the wall. I called everyone back to the trap but this time we were at our technological base. "And you didn't bother to check?" Said Kris as he held a ice pack to his head. "Nigga don't let me knock you out too." Said Black in a joking way. I rolled my eyes and looked at the monitors. There were two different locations.

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