Chapter 1

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Sophie's Point Of View (POV)

I'm's hard to arms are aching, and there's still no sign of land. I've been swimming for about 1 hours and feel like I'm about collapse. Although I am quite good at swimming no one can keep going like this.

All I can see is blue; it's surrounding me. I feel like I'm never going to get out of this ocean.

My lungs are burning as I try to swim faster. I look into the depth of water underneath me. If I just stopped I would easily just drown, sinking into the never ending water. Lots of exotic fish are drifting through the water, in the distance I spot a shark. Faster! Swim faster! I keep going as fast as I can but slowly fail. For a minute I just drift off into a memory while moving forward with my maximum effort.


"Ahhh!" is all the I hear. The earpeircing screams are making me go death. I feel so guilty though. All those people are pleading for me to help them and I reject them. This feeling is terrible. Not even accepting to help stop someone from dying. All the people that are in the water shouting for me but I can't help them.

"Help me! I'm drowning!" again I swim past, paddling as fast as I can from the cruise ship. We were going on a holiday but somehow the ship we were on is now sinking. A whirl-pool is starting to form around the boat I was on , sucking people into it. I hear less screams.

I really hope my parents werent on that boat. They can't be. No.

I look back. They aren't there.Which must mean they where the lucky ones thata managed to get on a life boat. Im not going to worry about them. They are absoultly fine. I really hope.

"Help...." I whisper as the screams die down and the flaing arms sink into the water.



*36 hours later*

I wake up on unknown land. I must have past out. I actually don't know how I survived that. I could of drowned, been eaten by a fish, the possibilities are endless. Well, I did survive and am planning in surviving more. Some how.

I look around, there is a jungle a little bit further away, palm trees and coconut trees are on the beach. Big rocks outline some parts of the sea. I look into the ocean and see lots of fish swimming in between the multi-coloured coral. I feel the orange-yellow sand, it is warm and gritty and leaves small sore scratches on my hands.

There are no buildings in sight and it looks like I'm alone. No one to talk to, see anyone's face. I can't listen to music unless I sing it myself! No Internet, no friends. My life is ruined!

I slowly walk into the jungle looking for food, singing

"White lips, pale face.

Breathing in snowflakes.

Burnt lungs, sour taste.

Lights gone, days end.

Struggling to pay rent.

Long nights, strange men.

And they say, she's in the class A Team, stuck in her daydream....."

I am singing 'The A Team' by Ed Sheeran while picking some fruit that looks like a banana and eating it hoping I'm not going to die of food poisoning.

"Crumbling like pastries, they scream" I want a pastry, normal food. I'm going to be stuck here eating bananas for the rest of my life. I sit on a big boulder answering the new surrounding looking out for danger while eating the fruit that I assume is a banana.

The day pasts slowly but when it does begin to get dark I decided to sleep on the beach. I take a few leaves with me and start light jogging forward. I get to the beach just as the sun starts to set. I lay out the leaves on the sand so it isn't as sandy. It's warm so I guess this is an island near the equator. I lie down and wrap the big palm leaves around me. I gaze at the now dark sky, admiring the twinkling stars above me. I have never seen so many stars. In the city that I lived in the sky isn't clear because of the amount of lights, In London they never turn off so you never see the stars. Here it is like someone has just sprinkled glitter, you can even see some of the planets! As the Milky Way twirls around making a spiral I close my eyes and gradually fall asleep.

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