Chapter 10

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Sophie's POV

I can't believe, I'm stranded on an an island and I just met One Direction! I mean, how? What are the chances in that? I mean I don't want them to be here but still.

I open my eyes, it is dark but I can see the outlines of four guys sleeping on the floor. For a second I just sit here thinking. What if this is all just a dream? I doubt it; I have never had such a realistic dream and it being this long. I take in the moment because this might be the only time I will ever see them.

I stand up from my lying position and walk out the door trying not trip over the sleeping bodies of my favourite and most amazing band ever.

I walk out the hut. In the moonlight I see Louis Tomlinson sitting on a log. Calm down... I take in deep breathes and slowly make my way to him. Louis is just gazing at the stars in the sky as I come to sit next to him.

"Hello" Louis says turning around to look at me.

"Hi, Louis." Well done, you managed to say his name without getting a fangirl or panic attack.

We sit in a awkward silence just gazing in different directions. I can't believe I'm sitting next to him. I really need to calm down and understand that they are just humans and I will be probably living with them for a long time.

I can't imagine what's happening right now with our fandom...they must be in complete panic mode and be looking everywhere for One Direction, I can't even imagine.

"So, how did you get here" Louis asks me after a while breaking the silence. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." He rushed saying the last bit.

"No it's fine" I say before starting to tell the story. I'm going to have tell it some day.

"I was on a cruise ship, on holiday with my family, we were having a really good time sailing to different countries." I look at Louis to make sure he is still paying attention and carry on, "There was a storm and the ship crashed into some rocks; the ship was made of wood for an affect to make it look antique and classic but it obviously wasn't safe..." I gasp for air to carry on as a tear rolls down my cheek. I think of a way to say the next bit and speak again. "I survived but I don't know if anyone else did. I don't know if my family is a-alive." I stutter out the end. Tears brim my eyes making my view fuzzy, I try to hold them in, but fail.

"I'm sorry," Louis answers sympathetically and envelopes me in a hug. We sit in this position for a long time, in each overs arms. I really want to see my mum, dad and sister, I might not ever see them again. I start to sob harder at the thought. Louis starts to hum a familiar tune.


The sun starts to rise over the water beautifully and soon it is a new day.

In a long time Louis finally speaks.

"I'm going to go eat something. Do you want anything?" Louis asks me standing up.

"Please. I'm so hungry, I'll eat anything except for bugs." Louis laughs at my terrible attempt to make a joke which probably isn't even considered one.

Louis walks into the hut and comes back with a fish.

"We can share this, it is the only food we have left. We are going to have to get some more." Louis tells me.

We both have a bit of the fish and start eating. It is a bit dry but tastes very nice. This fish would probably cost tons in civilisation and here we will be eating it on a daily basis to stay alive.

"We're going to have to get some more food for the lads, they need food too." Louis says sighing.

"Yeah, as we are already at the beach should we get some fish?" I agreed and gave an idea.

"That would be good, we made some fishing nets earlier so we can use those."

Louis stands up to get them and tiredly comes back with two hand-made, not the best nets. I take them gratefully and we both start walking towards the sea.

Louis rolls up his trackies (sport/casual trousers) but I don't need too because I am wearing shorts. It is disgusting how I have been wearing the same clothes for five days and am doing loads of exercise. We both take off our shoes and walk into the water. I am relieved at the temperature difference as it cools me down from the heat of the scorching sun which has made me red. We drift through the shallow water trying to find a place with more fish which is a bit further away.


We had just caught five fish which are going to be shared and the rest are going to be put in storage.

"I'm so tired, I want to sleep." Louis exclaims sleepily literally dragging himself out of the water.

"You can go sleep soon" I reassure him. In a few minutes we are back in the hut and I am exhausted. Louis goes straight to sleep. I put the fish in the hut and wake Niall whispering to him.

"Wake up, you're on look-out duty." Niall groans and turns around stretching. Oh my gosh.... He is just so sexy, okay calm down, stop thinking about this. He stands up and starts walking out side.

"You got some fish" Niall says smiling at me before walking out.

"Y-yeah" bad move, now he is going to think I am strange. I have a huge case of the feels now, this is bad especially if they are right next to you.

I quickly go and lie down on the pile of leaves which is supposed to be my bed and fall asleep.

*Niall's POV*

I am sitting on this beach alone for a very short time and am joined by the rest of the lads except for Louis who is sleeping and so is Sophie but she is a girl obviously. We make a bonfire and fry the fish which Sophie and Louis caught for us.

The soft sand tickles my feet as I stand up.

"We need to get some water," I remark.

"Let's go!" Everyone enthusiastically stands up and we lightly jog into the forest to look for a source.

In about five minutes we are deep in the rain forest. It is humid and you can see the steam evaporating. It is very wet and hot like a sauna. Scattered across the jungle floor are loads of boulders and saplings. I look up and all I see is green. Water is pouring from humongous leaves making little puddles. I spot a long snake slithering in between the branches of the tall tress strangled in vines. I hear monkeys howling loudly and water dripping, lots of insects are flying around and crawling along the bark of trees and logs. Wet moss covers the forest floor and makes it comfortable to stand on. Me, Louis and Sophie are the only ones that have our shoes but Harry, Liam and Zayn's were kicked off swimming to here.

We keep walking forward looking when I suddenly start to hear a constant loud roaring.

I smile looking at the others.

"It's water!" I scream as we run in the direction of the loud sound.

"Woo! Yeah! Water!" Everyone screams as we run.

The huge sight is breath-taking. Tons of water cascades down this cliff making the rocks sparkle. Tropical flowers outline the edges of stones. A big lake is sat the bottom of the gigantic waterfall. The water is clear and you can see the bottom.

"Woah" Zayn says amazed. We stand for a couple of minutes examining the beautiful view. Glistening flowers cover the colourful ground. Liam is the first to walk towards the lake to get a drink and then we all follow.

I lean down until I can't drink any more. The water tastes nice unlike the water you get in pipes in cities. I smile once I am finished and look up again. No longer thirsty I sit up in the long flowery grass and moss, leaning against a rock.

We sit around for a long time and after about an hour we start heading off back, making sure we remember the location of this waterfall.


I am extremely proud of this chapter. This is my record in writing:)

I have planned out my story and there is going to be some drama...

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