Chapter 14

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Please don't be a silent reader! Please, please, please. I'm begging you!

This took me over 4 hours to wright.

This chapter's song : How Ya Doin'? by Little Mix.


Sophie's POV

The atmosphere is very gloomy. It has just stopped raining. We had to run back to the treehouse because the storm was coming very quickly. The weather hasn't been particularly good for the past few days. I'm losing track of time now. Just because the sky is dark doesn't mean it is night time; it could just be another thunder storm. Back home in London I never really was scared of lightening, now I'm terrified of it. The flashes in the sky hit trees setting them on fire and making them collapse. Luckily the heavy rain stops the fire before it gets out of hand and spreads. I remember watching news headlines about bush fires in Australia and other hot countries. I never understood how the people there could be so calm and film it! The blazing fire would be coming at them at tremendous speed and they wouldn't even try to run. I don't know, I just don't get it.

The berries we gathered earlier on in the day were eaten by the small animals. We put them in food that we knew they would eat because they wouldn't just come and eat something they knew was poisonous. Well actually we could of just left the berries to see if something would come and eat it at all but we didn't think of that..... It turned out the animals went kind of crazy. The berries could of been drugs so were going to stay away from them.

"What do you guys think of going to the waterfall?" Niall says. I hear mumbles of agreements. I nod in Niall's direction showing him that I will. I happily start skipping to the destination. It's so beautiful there.

Soon I am plunging into the deep pool of water. Droplets of cool water splash around. The feeling of the water on my skin refreshes me. I just generally feel joyful when ever I'm in water. I used to do swimming and was quite good at it, winning a few medals while doing completions. I was even thinking of being an Olympic swimmer. It's one of the only sports I was actually good at. Except for swimming I wasn't very sporty. To be honest most Directioners aren't sporty.

After about an hour of swimming I finally get tired. Everyone except for me is already on the grass. I pull myself out to join them. I stretch myself out on the grass 'till I hear my bones click.

Sometimes it's not actually that bad being here. I can just enjoy it as if it's a holiday. But sadly that thought doesn't last forever because something always has to ruin it: either the weather or being hungry or something like that. The weather here is so bipolar. Like it's sunny and amazing and the next second there is thunder and a flood. It's annoying because you always have to be on look out for the weather.


"You know, we should make a bonfire!" Louis says after a long time of silence. It'a quite relieving that someone broke the awkward quietness. It's also really boring not talking to anyone.

"OMG! Why have we not thought of doing that before!" It's been so long since I have said 'OMG' I would be using it all the time in the fangirl life style.

"Okay, we need to gather loads of branches." Harry tells us. I nod and prop myself up onto my elbows and eventually get the will power to actually fully stand up. Picking up a few twigs in the forest I come to the conclusion that they will not burn.

"The wood is too wet." I point out. Everyone looks at me as if they had just thought the same thing.

"Can someone run back to the tree house to get the planks we have put there? Harry? Louis?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, we'll do it." Harry and Louis both say simultaneously. They both look at each over as if saying ' jinx padlock! You can't talk until I say your full name which I'm not going to do. Hahahahaha.'

They go, leaving me, Liam, Zayn and Niall looking for stones that could start a fire. When I was younger I used to do a camping and climbing mountain club. I learned a few useful things like how to make a proper fire and and how to find water and stuff like that. I am so grateful for doing that. But I quit because it got quite boring and I couldn't be bothered driving for about an hour just to get to the meet up area.

In about 20 minutes Louis and Harry return panting for breath and carrying the wood. I smile and take it from them and stack it into a pile so we can light it up. I start scraping the stones against each over seeing little sparks forming but they are no way near big enough to start a fire. Well I haven't done any camping in ages so you can't blame me

*Harry's POV*

Sophie scrunches up her face in frustration as she clashes the stones against each over trying to produce the light source but just doesn't seem to manage.

"Hey, do want some help with that?" I smirk. She won't manage to start a fire unless she is going to be trying for hours.

Sophie huffs and hands over the tools. Only in a few strikes I manage to set the fire. I look over at Sophie who is gaping.

"You cheated."

"How? I don't think it's even possible to cheat to light up a fire, well except if you user a lighter but we don't have one." I answer Sophie.

She shrugs and doesn't answer obviously because she has not thought of something good enough as a reply.

Soon everyone is caught up in their own conversations and I'm just sitting here gazing at the fire. The insects flying around are quite cool. They almost look like fireflies. Not like I have ever seen a firefly, I have seen one on TV but not in real life.

I look over to Sophie, she is sleeping; curled up on a log. She looks particularly cute when she is sleeping. I don't know, maybe it's just the effect of the fireflies flying above or........... I don't know.

*Sophie's POV*

I am awoken from my sleeping state by Liam and Zayn.

"We're going to go into the forest to find food." Zayn says.

"Yeah, that's fine." I say not really caring where there going to be going unless it's really not safe but I trust them not to do anything stupid and dangerous.

It's strange how in such a short period of time I have become such friends with the boys. It's like I have known them for years but in reality it has only been about a week.


They have been gone for quite a long time. Does it seriously take over two hours to find breakfast especially in this place where there is food almost everywhere because the forests are so condensed with fruits, vegetables and animals.

I should go look for them. What if they're in trouble......



Second : the drama is starting! The next few chapters will be filled with some shockers!

Third : I'm quite happy with this chapter.

Fourth : I am writing another chapter tomorrow and it will be uploaded in two days.

Fifth : I'm sorry guys but I will be going on holiday on Monday and won't have Internet access which will mean I can't update my stories. Sadly in the next chapter I will be leaving you on the most awful cliff hanger ever for 5 weeks.

Sixth : will you please stay with me until them 5 weeks are over. I promise you I will write so much my hands will be hurting from typing!

I love you! You are amazing! Thank you!


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