Chapter 4

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Sophie's POV

I've been sitting on this boulder in the jungle, for I don't know, three hours crying. I miss my family and friends and feel like there's no hope. I hope people notice I'm gone......try to find me. I just need to adjust to the fact that I'm probably going to be here alone for the rest of my life, not like my life is going to be long.

I hear some rustling leaves. Okay you have to admit that's scary. It's probably a leopard coming to eat me. I'm going to run.

Liam's POV

I hear gentle crying.

"Shut up....... I think someone else is hear." Harry whispers. putting his finger on his lips the way you were taught at primary school when you should be quite.

Behind a few trees I see a girl stand up and start running, not even looking who from.

She looks all drained out. I can't see her face but its probably tear stained. Her converse are muddy but I see some drawings on them 'vas happenin', guitar, a bit of the British flag 'the Union Jack' and the green from Irish flag. She is a fan.

We have to find her. Help her and together we will get off this f***ed up island.

Sophie's POV

I finally run somewhere were I think it's safe enough. I look around while breathing deeply to catch my breath.

This is type of scene in movies, the cliche forest were the character falls in love. They are in a valley with vines and flowers on them, it's all tropical and beautiful, well this is were I am. I inhale a tropical perfume, all the colours of the rainbow on flowers of all shapes and sizes. Exotic fruits are hanging from trees, I think I see oranges and pomegranates in the distance. It's warm but damp, a nice temperature. Warm water flowing from leaves of trees, landing on the grass and herb type plants on the ground making it all sparkle. I sit on a rock and just observe the scene in awe humming to the tune of 'Truly, Madly, Deeply.'

I've never been out of the city except for a few school trips and very rarely going into the country side with my friends. But I would never be able to see this other than now. It's beautiful and I wonder if anyone else has ever been on this island. Did anyone escape from the cruise ship except for me?

It was a nice holiday on the ocean until the terrible incident. The food was amazing, there were shows all the time. Our apartment was huge having a total of 2 rooms me having my own room and my parents sharing one. There was a pool and a jacoozy which I went to a lot during the 6 days on the ship which was supposed to be 11 days.

*2 hours later*

"That's what makes you beautiful!" I finish singing. I'm so bored, all I can do that entertains me on this island is sing, so basically I have gone through all the songs on 'Up All Night' and 'Take Me Home' three times and sung some other song I like as well. It gets kind of boring after awhile. I wish I could just go on my computer and go on You-Tube or Instagram or well anything. Just how have I realised how hard my dedication has gotten with 1D. I can't go a day without them.

It's been raining for three hours and I'm getting wet and cold, my clothes soaking in water. Right now I'm making a hat out of a big palm leave. It's going to be raining here a lot so I'm going to try myself a tent.

I'm not actually that hungry. I've discovered a fruit that looks a bit like a raspberry but it's a light shade of purple, I decided to call the fruit an inberry named After rasberries and the colour 'indigo.' Basically I've been living off bananas, inberries, oranges and the fruit that I thought was a pomegranate but had a citrus tasting juice inside it, kind of resembling a coconut.


Please keep reading. The story is going to get better. It is going to be much longer and I'm going to put more detail in it. Please remember this is my first story I have ever written and I will get better.

Read, vote and comment if you think my writing is okay. It gives me a lot of motivation to keep writing :)

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