Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

Not long ago the boys fell asleep. I sit here for a few hours just gazing at the stars, making constellations. I hear the waves crashing against rocks and the buzzing of insects in the long grass approximately 20 metres away. The wind is gusting around me making it a lot colder, I wrap myself in a few leaves to try and block out the cold.

I'm so bored it's unbelievable. What are you meant to do when you are alone in the cold outside? I really should try do something productive. I might make some shoes because the ones I was wearing got kicked off while I was swimming to this island...

I want to see my family, the fans, anyone really. I can't stand being alone. Sometimes you need to have time to yourself and to be alone but not this this long.

I wander if anyone is even looking for us?

I stand up and walk over to the forest, the stars light guiding me. I pick up a few big leaves and trudge back over to my prions hunched, sitting position on the log and start to work one these shoes.


Im getting so cold and tired I just can't stay awake. If I stay here any longer I will fall asleep and die of hyperthermia. That's not a very nice thought but it's true. I am absolutely freezing. I'm just going to ask Liam to take other this job.

Liam's POV

I am woken by Harry who is wrapped up in leaves. I am too tired to bother asking him why but I guess it's because he is cold, or maybe just because he is weird. He quickly lies down and falls asleep. I walk outside and sit on the leaves looking around for any danger.

Only the waves, insects and the occasional bird are heard. I sit around for what seams like days waiting for sunrise. When I finally see the first bit of light peeking over the horizon I can't help but sigh, it has been a very long night sitting around doing nothing. The colours blend in the sky: orange, purple and pink mixed in a beautiful way. Soon it is daytime. Niall comes and sits next to me.

"Hey, dude," Niall says "you look really tired. Go get some sleep."

"Yeah," I say while yawning "I'll go now." I stand up, stumbling and go to where Niall was sleeping and close my eyes.

I wake up naturally, not by someone else. No longer tired I walk to where the boys are.

"Lets go explore!" Louis throws his hands up in the air and points at the forest.

"Yeah!" Niall cheers.

"We could find new fruits, and make fruit salad," I say.

"I love fruit salad," Niall says.

"Niall, you like all foods," Zayn says.

We all start walking in the direction of the forest, Harry in his new leave shoes. The tall trees soon over tower us getting bigger the further we go into the jungle

"Harry, where did you get them shoes. Can I get some?" Louis jokes.

"Sure, just go into the forest and put a leaf on your foot." Harry says back.

"No, I want you to get me a pair."

"No way, it took me ages to make these. Make your own." Harry says suddenly all serious. We keep walking this way until we get to a river.

"We need to get some fish." Louis says.

We all start making nets out of bamboo sticks with wiry vines on top forming a sort of circular net shape. It takes us a long time until everyone has their own net because the vines kept getting tangled.

We walk down the bank of the river until we think there is more of a chance of catching fish. We all sit down a few metres distance from each over.

"I caught a fish!" Harry exclaims.

"Fish. Fish. I see fish!" Louis sings while concentrating on trying to catch one.

In 10 minutes we all have got a few fish, Harry having 3, Niall 4, Louis 3, Zayn 5 and me 4. We all walk back to the beach were we have settled and make a fire using the flint that we found on the way back from the forest. We cook the medium sized fishes over the fire for half and hour. We enjoy eating the fish, the flavour juicy and because we caught it ourselves. We sit around the bonfire singing while the sun sets.

"I wish I had my guitar with me." Niall says sadly.

"It's okay Nialler. We will get back to civilisation soon." I comfort him.

"The fans! They must be so worried! Our families! Eleanor!" Louis shouts at us. He starts sobbing. We all sit around glumly. Louis explaining how we must get back and how everyone is worried. Niall and Zayn at staring into emptiness and Harry is listening with intent to Louis' talking, I just think about my family, Danielle and the fans.

"I'm going to sleep..." I tell everyone. There is a chorus of 'me too' and 'same' being said as everyone except for Zayn walk towards he hut.

"I'll stay on look out." Zayn sighs as he digs his hands into his pockets.

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