Chapter 3

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Zayn's POV

I wake to the salty air blasting through my nose awakening me. I shift around to make myself more comfortabe and feel the sand beneath me. I slowly open my eyes and in the distance I see Niall and Harry shouting angrily at Liam and Louis. Niall has his hands on his his glaring at Louis and Liam while Harry his doing all the shouting pointing at them. Niall occasionally puts in a remark. I can't really make out what they are saying over the waves beating over the rocks only a few meatres away from me. They probably moved their argument further away from me not wanting me to wake up.

Should I stop them arguming or should I let them work their problems out? I think for a bit about what I should do but eventually settal down with the first option because it's getting a bit boring and frustrating watching them argue.

"Hey." I almost shout but don't, not wanting them to think I'm urgent because I am hurt or somethinh but loud enough so they actually hear.

They stop their fight for a second and I can hear Louis sigh dramatically. They all answer with "Hi Zayn."

Once we all settel down and I ask them what they were arguing about we just sit in silents admiring the sea coming in and out. It's relaxing. I haven't had many relaxing times since One Direction. It's all just crazy. I'm really gratefull for the fans but sometimes I just want a break.


"I'm so hungry! I need food," Niall whines but I can agree with him, we haven't eaten in ages.

"Let's actually get some food." I say and as if on cue my stomache growls. It's unhealthy to not eat for such a long time as I have now. I'm starving.

I pull myself up from my seated position and we all start walking into the jungle, trees getting taller, over towering us. I am actually quite scared to go into the forest what if there is a bear or a leopard that will attack us.

"If anyone sees any food or fruit, that we recognise tell us. I don't want to eat food that is poisnoius." Harry says and we all nod and carry on searching.

"I see a banana tree," Liam points out after a few minutes of looking. We all walk in that tree's direction, well Niall ran, he's obviously starving.

Just as I start peeling my banana I hear some sniffling as if someone is crying and stop in my tracks. I look at Liam, Niall, Harry and Louis to see if they where the ones that are crying. They aren't.

"Well were going to have to see them eventually" Liam says patting me on the shoulder kind of reassuring me.

"Well I guess your right," I sigh knowing it's true.

I sit down on a small fallen down tree and look around. I want to see whoever was crying. This is all probably my imagination but I cant help but think thats its not. there is a chance that someone else survived the plane crash.

There's also a chance that there are canaballs on this island.... I subconsciously put in.

I spot a girl sitting near a little pond eating some sort of fruit and crying. She looks around about 19 years old.

She has her head tilted up looking up at the brightly coloured flock of birds chirping in the branches above her. Her long blonde hair is tangled and a mess scrawled across her back which is covered in a plain white t-shirt. Well it's plain from behind.

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