Chapter 15

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Enjoy the chapter which I think is pretty good.

I wrote this at 3 AM and my eyes are burning!

I have no idea what to do as the song of the chapter.


Sophie's POV

I run my hands through my hair frustratedly. I have been hastily running around looking for them for ages!

"Zayn! Liam! Louis! Harry! Nial! Where are you! Where the f**** are you guys!" I scream annoyed.

The dark forests slowly engulfing me frightens me. Then realisation hits me. They are probably back at the waterfall! But the problem is how do I get there? I have been searching for so long I have forgotten where I am. While strolling around I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.

"Oh shit." I whisper agitated. "What am I going to do now?" I huff out in annoyance.

I head backwards because if there is any chance of me finding the boys it is going back.

After a while I get tired and kind of lose hope so I sit down. I ponder, how am I going to get out of this place, I've already went in too far. When will I get out? If I get out of this doomed forest at all. I fiddle with my hair while trying to answer these questions.

In the distance I hear a sound. It sends shivers up and down my spine. A growl which can only be made by a wild animal is what I heard. My heart rate and breathing quickens rapidly. I lurch up from my sitting position and start to run. Of course I'm not that fast and definitely not as fast as the animal behind me. I quickly peek over my shoulder a little bit curious of what is chasing me. It's a cat, a big one. The black slender animal leaps through the branches easily catching up with me. My eyes widen in fear and I start screaming. Oh my god. I'm going to die. I'm going to die.

My lungs feel like they are on fire. My muscles are acing. I'm so tired and my hunger isn't helping. I feel tears splash on my cheek but I don't even bother wiping them away even though they are dramatically ruining my vision. As if on cue I stumble on some roots.

"Ahhhhh! Help!" This puma this is going to rip me to shreds!

I have never been so scared in my life.

I wish someone could just come out of no were and save me. Boys, where are you when I most need you?

Suddenly the beast pounces on me. It's claws dig into my skin. The pain is agonising! I can't bear it! I slump onto the floor doubling over in pain.

Me screaming. That is the last thing I remember before I blank out.


I slowly flutter open my eyes.Tears brim them quickly because of a screeching pain in my arm and leg. I don't even know if I can use screeching in this combination of a sentence but I can't think of anything to describe how terrible it feels. I desperately want the feeling to go away.

I moan in pain. My vision is blurred. All I see is blurred green. I can't make out any shapes or outlines.

Why am I still alive?

Like seriously, I thought I was killed by the monster.

Well I'll just think myself lucky. To be honest I don't know if I would rather die and not have this pain or be in this situation. It's not like I have a choice any way though.

Plus it's not just my arm and leg hurting. It's as if the pain is spreading. I also feel extremely sick.

My throat is dry. I really need a drink. I'm just going to have to drink the rain water and open my mouth when it comes. But I hope there isn't that much rain because I won't be able to get out here if I'm in danger of a flood.

I have tried to move my limbs but failed. They are too weak and in pain to process my bodies' commands.

I try to shout for help but all that comes out is a frail moan.

Oh help me.......


I think that was a good chapter! Was is it exciting? Please comment what you thought of it. I would really like to know.

On Monday, tomorrow. Well basically today I am leaving for my holiday. I won't be able to upload for 5 weeks!

I wrote this at 3 in the morning!

So you guys better appreciate it and be happy! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I have planned out some huge shocker!

Please be patient and wait these 5 weeks.

I love you ~Emily

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