Chapter 17

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Song of the chapter: Stay by Rihanna feat. Mikky Ekko.


Sophie's POV

Time goes by excruciatingly slowly. Why can't I just die now and not have to take such a long journey to it. I'm in so much pain. It hurts to move, breath, think, to do anything. At this point I just want this all over with. I don't care if I die. Time is going by too slowly and I'm in too much pain to want to live. Plus it is so boring. I have never gone through such an amount of time not doing anything. Surprisingly, I have even kind of given up on anyone finding me. I have lied here in agonising pain for too long. So long that I can't even remember exactly how long. There is no sun under these trees and I don't see the sun set so I have no idea how many days I have been here. It's so boring but that isn't much of a worry to me.

Part of me wants to die but the other half doesn't.

I could survive...? It is terrible that I am doubting this.

You know what? I AM going to survive. I'm going to get out of this mess and start my life over.

But not now. It's not possible now. I don't think it would even be possible if I tried on my own; I would need help. Well, I will get help. Even if I don't soon I will at least try to stand up or shout for help.

My shouts could be answered by a monkey or a bear. Like in Tarzan he was saved by a bear? I can't remember. Again, my mind is not thinking straight.

I can't open my eyes, or move. I feel paralysed to the spot. It's so hard. I want to know what is happening around me. I won't to stop the bleeding, at least put my hand to the wound but I can't. I can't do anything.

I'm just going to sleep. Its my only escape and way to pass time quicker. But I will wake up soon, when your in pain you can only sleep for a certain amount of time which is very short.


"Hey." Someone or something putting their hands around my shoulders and gently shakes me.

"Are you alright?" The concerned,male sounding voice asks me. Do I look alright? Of course I'm not. I'm pretty sure that I am looking the worst I have ever looked. I feel dead but my life is just coming back to me. There is hope. But this could just be a dream. I have no evidence unless I open my eyes which I can't.

I groan not wanting him to go away leaving me. This is my only chance, if I lose it I'm sure I will die.

Painfully I try to move my arms.

"Stop moving your arms. I know you're alive. I wouldn't of left you anyway." Well that's calming: talking about what would happen if I was dead.

I stop fiddling with my hands and slightly (which hurt terribly) flailing my arms and slump them down to my sides and sigh in relief.

"Is it okay if I pick you up?" I try nod and obviously he understands as he gently picks me up, cautious if I get hurt.

I try to contain in my pain but can't help but wince every once in a while as he walks over a bump or climbs over something causing me to jolt in his arms.

I can't believe I am actually getting help. I knew I shouldn't of doubted being saved. I knew I would survive. There was so much unneeded stress because of this incident.

I eternally sigh as I feel the guy slow down and take a few turns to somewhere where I hear the crashing of the waves which automatically relaxes me. Building a house near the sea is probably the best place if you're trying to look out for passing ships and helicopters.

"Were here." The guy breaths out as he finally stops to a halt and bends down placing me on the soft ground.

"So are you feeling better now?" Physically I'm feeling worse but emotionally better. I am a step closer to living!

I don't answer his question because as he should know I can't talk.

"Well.... I hope you are," he sighs as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I'll give you something to drink. You must be so thirsty. I don't think you can eat right now though," he says sadly standing up. I hear a few crunching sounds and then he is back tilting my head up. "Open your mouth." I do as he says and he pours water into my mouth. I gulp and open my mouth again. I'm so thirsty!

After a minute of me getting water he finally speaks again.

"I need to clean your cut. It looks really deep......" he says and gets lost midway through the last few words.

I feel a sharp stinging sensation on my leg and soon after on my arm as I yelp, gasping for air as I jolt up.

"Shhhh, it's going to be okay," he tries to calm me. I lie back down and take in deep breathes.

This will all be over with soon and I will be better.

Will it?


Oooooh! Cliff hanger! Hahaha I feel evil. Well it much wasn't of a cliff hanger because you basically know what's going to happen. Maybe ;)

Please comment what you think!

I love you ~Emily

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