Chapter 3.

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We got to the top of the staircase and Luke pulled me into a room full of instruments and recording equipment. He pushed me into a red leather chair behind me and picked up an acoustic guitar. "You play?" he asked. I nodded as usual. He handed me the guitar and I started to strum the chords to Use Somebody by Kings of Leon. I stopped when it got to the singing part and Luke pulled me over to where there was two microphones. I carried on playing and he began to sing. His voice was like angel. As it got to the chorus I started to join in quietly until I got comfortable enough to put in full effort and sing full belt. Ashton began to add beats to it with his drums, Calum picked up his bass and started to add a baseline with us.

A while into the second chorus Michael walked in, following him was a pretty blonde lady which I guessed was Luke's mum as she patted him on the shoulder as she passed him. As the song came to an end Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me in closer, oblivious that his mum was watching his every move, I blushed but carried on anyway. As we finished the last line of the song, I stared at Luke and he stared back.

The rest of the band put down their instruments they clapped and applauded us. "Where did that voice come from" Ashton asked jokingly. I shrugged my shoulders and stared at the ground. The lady that came in after Michael came over and introduced herself "Hi I'm Liz, Luke's mum" she said "nice voice you've got there, didn't expect that at all". "Mum, this is Hady, she's a student here in London" Luke answered, he'd obviously learnt I was too shy with new people. I held out my hand hoping for her to shake it, instead she came closer and hugged me. I missed my mum loads. I knew if i kept these guys close, Liz could be my mum for the time being. I handed the acoustic guitar back to Luke as if nothing had happened and I went and sat back down in the big leather chair.

Liz came and sat down next to me, "so are you and my Luke dating then?" She giggled. I blushed and looked at the floor "No, we're only kind of mates I guess, we hardly know each other, I just met him this morning, I'm not even sure what's happened today" I replied. Me and Liz got into such a deep conversation that I didn't even realise that the boys had started singing my favourite song (I'm a believer - by The Monkees). As it got to the chorus, Luke came up to me and grabbed my hand again. He pulled me towards the microphone and I joined in with the chorus. As I put my left hand in the microphone stand I took a glance at my watch. "DAMN" I shouted down the microphone, I stopped singing, grabbed my bag and raced down the stairs.

I stopped in the hallway, thinking about how to get back home as I heard the boys stop playing and as I turned around Luke was stood behind me. "What you doing Blondie?" He joked I explained I had work at 6 in the morning and I needed to be home. He ran down to his car pulling me behind. We jumped into his car and I directed him to my apartment. As I was thanking him for the ride home and unbuckling my seatbelt, he grabbed my hand and pulled me in, he lent in and gently kissed my lips. I pulled back, scared I didn't know what to do. I quickly got out of the car and apologised. I ran towards my apartment door. I heard Luke calling my name holding a piece of paper through the window, I quickly ran to grab it, waved goodbye and ran to my apartment door again!

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