Chapter 4.

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I woke up the next morning, my head pounded and my throat was sore. I could hear someone knocking at my front door. I grabbed the pink, silk dressing gown that was hung on the back of my door and flung it on in a rush. "I'm coming" I shouted as I became closer to the door. As I opened the door, Luke was stood standing infront of me. "Thankgod, I thought something had happened to you" he blurted out. "What time is it?" I asked him polietly, "half past 10" he replied. I ran away from the door and ran into the bathroom, Luke quickly followed as I knew he could tell what was happening. I shut the door on him, but he stopped it with his foot, "I'm staying Hady, whether you like it or not" he replied "no work for you today". I quickly got up from the bathroom floor, flushed the loo and walked towards my bedroom. "You can invite the guys over if you want?" I asked him "I won't be much fun, I'll invite Charlotte over too so I wont be alone?". He nodded and quickly slipped out his Iphone from his pocket. I heard him talking to what sounded like Ashton on the phone. I quickly picked up my Iphone from my dresser and facetimed Charlotte to tell her to come over QUICKLY!

I told Luke to make himself at home, whilst I went to get a shower, get changed and apply the smallest amount of make-up. As I walked out of my room, I could hear voices from the living room, I strolled in in my Jack Wills leggings, a slouchy top, slippers and my hair tied up in a ponytail. the next thing i felt was Ashton running up to me and hugging me. "You feeling okay bud?" he asked. I nodded and slumped over to the sofa. As soon as I sat down the doorbell rang, "I'll get it" Ashton jumped to his feet and went to answer the door, I knew it was Charlotte but I didn't have the energy to talk. "Guessing this is Charlotte then?" Ashton asked. As Charlotte strolled in she started screaming and jumping up and down when she saw the rest of the boys in my living room. "Why didn't you tell me you had 5sos over Hady? I didn't think you knew who they were?" She asked between trembles and tears of joy. "I don't, 5sos?" I questioned. She pulled out her iPhone and put on one of their covers. I nodded and I knew I heard them from her before.

A few hours had past and Charlotte was still trying to flirt with Ashton. I had made my way to my bedroom across the hall, but I could still hear her questioning them everything about being on tour. A few moments later I heard a soft knocking on my door. "Come in" I tried to say but it sort of came out as a whisper. Obviously, it was Luke, my superhero had come to save me, "do you need anything chick?" He asked. By this point he was sat on my bed. I sat up pulling the duvet with me, kind off shoving him off my bed. "Not really I'm fine thanks!" I replied in a soft whisper. "I might come back in now, if that's alright?" I asked him. "Of course chick, it's your house, I don't mind, as long as your okay!" I blushed at this and tried to emerge from my bed. Luke had to help me a little as I was unstable on my feet. I soon as I was on my feet Luke grabbed my hand and we slowly walked back into the living room. I heard Calum wolf-whistle at us, I quickly ran over to the sofa, picked up a pillow and launched it at his head. "Owwww" he moaned "what was that for?". Everyone cracked up laughing as Calum gave us all a mean glare. "I've invited the girls over Hady if that's okay?" Charlotte asked. "Fine with me, it's just these lot, can they cope with all these British girls and our northern accents?" I replied. Charlotte let out a slight giggle. "Of course we can, just can you cope with our Aussie jokes?" Ashton replied. With this the door bell rang and I ran to get it. Stood at the door was obviously my second and third best friends Opal and Sophie. "Long time, no see" I greeted them both with huge hugs and pulled them both into the living room. "Guys, this is Luke, Michael, Calum & Ashton" I introduced the girls to the boys. "And guys this is Opal and Sophie" I pointed at the girls as try introduced themselves. "Opal, isn't that an Aussie name?" Michael questioned. "Yeah" Opal blushed into her blue and pink checked jumper. "Guys, I'm just going to get ready, I feel like going on a walk, anyone joining me?" I asked. "I will" Luke quickly replied after me, with a cheeky half-smile on his face. "I think the rest of us will stay here, I think you guys need to discuss something" Michael said, nudging Luke's arm and winking.

About half an hour later, I heard knocking on my door again. "Come in!" I shouted from inside my walk in wardrobe. I knew it would be Luke. I don't think he likes me being alone. "Where are you chick, I can't find you?" I heard his voice say. "I'm in here" I answered opening the sliding door that covered the entrance to my wardrobe. I could tell from the look on Luke's face that he was surprised at what I was wearing. "You look cute, guessing your feeling better then?" He questioned me. "Much" I replied back. I walked back into my wardrobe, chose a coat and wandered over to the wall which was just a huge mirror. I looked at myself and smiled. I wasn't too unhappy with myself. I just had perks, like every teenage girl does. I felt two hands come and rest on my waist. "Ooh, perfume" I shouted "gotta smell nice when you go out". Luke laughed as I picked up my Marc Jacobs and squirted around random sections of my body. He started choking as the perfume hit his mouth. I giggled and walked out of my wardrobe. I shut the door as Luke strolled out and locked it with the key and put it under my pillow. I picked up my camera and looked down at my feet. Figuring out I couldn't go outside in just my socks I had to unlock my wardrobe and put on a pair of boots. I came out again, locked up and stood next to Luke, who was admiring himself in my full body mirror. I was still smaller than him, but I thought we looked cute. "Do I look okay?" I whispered to him. "Beautiful, as always chick!" He replied. We both walked out of my room and Charlotte's mouth dropped. "A little dressed up for a walk aren't we?" She questioned me giving me a wink in between. I held up my camera, "might find something to put in my coursework whilst I'm out there you know, can't look bad on the studio wall can I" I giggled. "Come on Luke" I gestured to him and showed him the door.

*Charlotte's POV*

I turned to Ashton when Hady and Luke had walked out the door. "Do you reck.." I was stopped by him. "Hmm, I'm not sure, he hasn't looked at anyone like he looks at Hady since he broke off with his ex girlfriend" he replied "he might have done, I'm unsure though, he's a very serious person, he's a strange person at times". I looked away, Ashton's dreamy eyes seemed to have hooked me in and I couldn't keep away from them. I'd known his band for a while, I'd always called myself Mrs Irwin, I was trying not to fan girl at this point. I couldn't help myself, I think I was in love with him!

*Luke's POV*

I'd never been this crazy about someone since my last relationship. She was perfect in every single way. She had led me to a forest. I'd been told to go and stand in the long grass and act natural. I did I was told and she took a few snaps at her camera. "Done" Hady shouted. "Come on, I think we should be heading back, you never know my place could be a wreck by now!" I giggled and walked over to her. "" Why was I stuttering now, I was talking to the girl of my dreams, I couldn't mess up now! "Go ahead cowboy" she replied. Her hair blowing in the wind. Her eyes sparkling in the sun. Seriously, this moment couldn't get any better. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her in closer. I looked at her lips and pulled her in closer. She put her hands on my chest and leaned in for the kiss. A minute or so later, we both pulled away. "Hady, Luke, please come quick" I heard Sophie and Calum calling from a distance. I grabbed hold of her hand and we both ran towards their voices. We found them both and Sophie was in tears, Calum comforting her. "Hady, you need to come quick it's Opal!!" Sophie whimpered. She handed me her camera, "oh no, not again!" She began to cry. I ran after her straight away.

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